Concepts of Static Electricity
Static electricity refers to the electric charges stored on
a conductor. Static electricity is then buildup of an electrical charge on the
surface of an object. It's called "static" because the charges remain
in one area rather than moving or "flowing" to another area. We see
static electricity every day. It can even build up on us. For example, when we
rub our feet on the carpet. That is static electricity that we have built up on
the surface of our skin discharging onto another object. We also see it when
our hair gets charged and sticks straight up or when our pant legs keep
sticking to our legs. Generally, is all static electricity that has built up on
the surface of an object.
The Origin of Charges
When a plastic pen is rubbed with a cloth, it acquires the
property of attracting small bits of paper or light objects. In this case, the
plastic pen is said to be electrified.
Electrification by rubbing was observed a long time ago by
ancient Greeks. After the discovery of electricity, things were grouped into
two groups, electrics and non-electrics. Electrics refer to things which are
readily electrified while non-electrics are reverse of the former.
There are two types of charge:
- positive
- negative charge
- Identification of charge
Suspend a polythene rod A rubbed with fur. Bring another
polythene rod B rubbed with fur up to the rod A. Take a plastic rod and rub it
with fur. Bring the plastic rod to up to the suspended rod A. Repeat the
exercise with acetate and glass rod rubbed with silk cloth.
An electrified polythene rod repels another electrified
polythene rod. An acetate rod rubbed with silk repels another acetate rod
rubbed with silk cloth but it attracts a plastic rod rubbed with fur.
Polythene and plastic when rubbed with fur becomes
electrified with the same kind of electricity known as negative electricity
Acetate and glass when rubbed with silk cloth becomes
electrified with the same kind of electricity called positive
Charging is the process of electrifying a body.
A positively charged body carries positive charges and a
negatively charged body carries negative charges. The symbols used for positive
and negative charges are + and – respectively.
The Fundamental Law of Static Electricity
The Fundamental law of electrostatic charges states that:
“Like charges repel each
other while unlike charges attract each other”.
Charge bodies using different methods
In order to understand the process of charging we have to
understand the structure of bodies or things. All bodies are made up of
extremely small, indestructible bits of matter called atoms.
An atom consists of a nucleus surrounded by electrons. The
nucleus consists of proton and neutron. The protons are positively charged
while electrons are negatively charged and the neutrons are neutral.
The whole atom is electrically neutral because it contains
equal number of protons and electrons.
The following are the methods of charging;
- Rubbing
- Induction
- Contact
Charging by rubbing
A polythene rod rubbed with fur becomes negatively charged.
Rubbing results in the transfer of electrons from fur to the polythene rod.
Fur becomes positively charged because some of its electrons
are transferred to the polythene rod. The polythene gains excess electrons and
hence it becomes negatively charged.example. the image below.
Note: It is only the electrons in matter which can be
transferred by rubbing.
Charging by induction
charged polythene rod is held near uncharged copper rod suspended from a cotton
thread. The electrons of the copper rod are repelled by the
negatively charged polythene rod. Hence the electrons move to the far side of
the copper leaving behind a net positive charge on the side facing the
polythene rod.
Touch the copper rod with your finger when the charged rod
is still in position. The electrons from copper rod flow through your body to
the earth. Leaving it with a net positive charge. Remove the finger from the
copper rod and finally remove the charged polythene rod.
The rod has therefore been positively charged by
electrostatic induction. The charges that appear on the copper rod are called
induced charges.
Charging by contact
A charged body (eg; positively charged metal can) is brought
in contact with uncharged body B.
Detection of Charges
The Structure of a Gold-leaf Electroscope
Describe the structure of a gold-leaf electroscope
The instrument used to detect the presence of electric
charges is called gold leaf electroscope. It consists of an insulated
brass rod with two pieces of thin gold foil at one end and a brass cap at the
other end.
When the brass cap is touched with a charged object the
leaves of the electroscope spread out. This is because the charge on the object
is conducted through the brass cap and the brass rod to the leaves.
As they received the same kind of charge, the leaves repel
each other and thus spread apart, this is charging by contact.
If you touch the brass cap with your finger, the charge is
transferred through your body to the earth and the leaves of the electroscope
then collapse together.
Function of an electroscope
- Testing
for the sign of the charge on the body.
- Identifying
the insulating properties of materials.
- Detecting
the presence of charge on a body.
The Sign of Charges
Determine the sign of charges
The true sign on a body has to be determined before use; the
instrument that can be used to determine the presence of charge is called an
An electrophorus consists of a circular slab of insulating
material (polythene) together with a brass disc (conductor) on an insulating
An electrophorus works by electrostatic insulation and hence
can be used to generate positive charges from single negative charges. The
charge produced on the insulating slab is negative. The top disc is then placed
on it. Since the surface is only in contact at relatively few points, a
positive charge is induced on the lower surface and corresponding negative
charge is produced on its top surface. The top of the upper disc is then touched briefly using a
finger, hereby carrying away the negative charge to the earth; this is called
EARTHING. Example the figure below.
Identify steps of charging and discharging of a gold-leaf
The polythene slab is charged negative by rubbing it with
fur. The brass disc is then placed on top of the slab so that the two charges
become induced onto respective materials.
Contact does not negatively charge the disc
because it is not flat and makes contact with the slab at a few points only.
When the brass disc is touched with a finger, electrons on the upper surface
are repelled to the earth.
There is a force of attraction between the metal disc and
the base. A spark (electric energy) is normally produced upon their separation.
This spark can be used for lighting gas burners in laboratory.
The electrophorus can now be used to charge a gold leaf
- Contact
- Induction
By contact
Here a positively charged electrophorus is made to touch the
brass cap of the gold-leaf electroscope. The leaf of the gold-leaf electroscope
When a charged electrophorus is brought into contact with
the electroscope, the latter gets charged and the leaves diverge. It acquires a
negative charge. This is determined using the charged rods. When a positively
charged glass rod is brought near the cap. It causes the leaf to collapse.
Induction- is the transfer of opposite effects from one body
to another without contact.
In order to obtain a charge of a given sign, the inducing
charge must be of an opposite charge. If charge is placed on an insulator at a
given location the excess charge will remain at the initial location. The
particles of the insulator do not permit the free flow of electrons. Charge
present in an insulator or conductor.
Discharging a gold leaf electroscope
Having charged a gold leaf electroscope by contact and
induction, the same can be discharged effectively through induction.
If while the electroscope is being charged by induction you
touch the brass cap, electrons will leave the electroscope through your hand
and onto the ground. If the charged metal rod is removed, the electroscope will
remain charged. The charge remaining on the electroscope will be the opposite
of the charge on the rod.
If a negatively charged object is now brought near the brass
cap electrons in the brass cap are repelled and moved down to the leaves. This
cancels the positive charge. With no net charge, the leave collapse back
If the object is removed, the electrons return to the metal
cap leaving the leaves of the electroscope with a net positive charge again and
they separate.
Difference between a Conductor and Insulator
Distinguish between a conductor and insulator
Are bodies, which readily allow electric charge in motion to
flow through them
Are materials that permit some electrons to flow freely from
atom to atom within the materials examples are copper, steel, iron, silver and
When there is excess of positive or negative charge on an
object made of a conducting material, the conduction electrons will move to minimize
the repulsive force.
These are bodies, which do not allow electric charges to
flow through it. Insulators on the other hand do not allow their electrons to
flow freely from at atom to atom; this is because the electrons in their atoms
move around their nuclei in various equal magnitudes to the charge on the
protons. The electrons are also firmly attracted to the nucleus hence bound to
these atoms.
Capacitor is a device which is used for the storage of
charges consisting of two conductors, parallel-nearly separated by air or any
other dielectric. Dielectric is an insulating medium used between
plates of a capacitor.
Mode of Action of a Capacitance
Explain mode of action of a capacitance
Consider two unequal metal cans which were made to stand on
the caps of two identical electroscopes. These cans are given equal charges of
Q units from an electrophorus disc. The charged disc is lowered inside a can
until it touches the bottom. In this way the whole of the charge is given up to
the can and goes to the outside.
It will be noticed that the leaf divergence is greater for
the small can, showing that it has acquired higher potential than the larger can.
In this case, the larger can is said to have a larger capacitance while the
smaller can has a lower capacitance. When the two cans are joined by a wire
electricity flows from the smaller can to the larger can until potentials are
The Action of a Capacitor
Explain the action of a capacitor
The positive charge on A induces an equal and opposite
charges on opposite sides of B. These induced charges will respectively raise
and lower the potential of all points in their neighborhood and in particular
they will affect the potential of plate A.
As far as A is connected, however the negative induced
charge will have the greater effect. The net result is is that the potential of
A is slightly reduced.
B is next earthed either by touching it with a finger or by
connecting it to the nearest cold-water pipe. Immediately the leaf shows a
great decrease in divergence. This implies a big decrease in potential, and
hence a big increase in capacitance of A .The presence of the earthed plate B results
in a very large increase in the capacitance of A.
of an Air-filled Capacitor
Describe the construction of an air-filled capacitor
This constitute two parallel metal plates with air band
between them. A flat metal A is set up vertically on insulating legs and is
connected to a gold leaf electroscope by means of a wire.
The plate is then given a positive charge by induction with
a negatively charged ebonite rod. The divergence of the leaf indicates the
potential of the plate. A second insulated plate B is now brought up slowly
into a position parallel to A.
When B is very close to A but not touching it, it will be
noticed that the leaf divergence decreases very slightly. We conclude from this
that the potential of A has been decreased by the presence of B, and hence its
capacitance has increased slightly.
Equivalence Capacitance of a Combination of Capacitors
Determine equivalence capacitance of a combination of
Factors affecting the capacitance of a parallel-plate
There are three factors which affect the capacitance of a
parallel-plate capacitor, namely;
- Area
of plates
- Distance
apart of the plates.
- Dielectric
between the plates.
Relative permeability is the ratio of the
capacitance of a given capacitor with the medium as dielectric to the
capacitance of the capacitor with a vacuum as the dielectric.
It has no units since it is a ration of similar quantities. Paraffin
wax has a relative permeability of about 2 while that of mica is about 8.
Charge Distribution Along the Surface of a Conductor
Charge on a Conductor Reside on its Outer Surface Recognize
that charge on a conductor reside on its outer surface . Usually, charges are
distributed on the outer surface of conductors of different shapes. Investigating
surface distribution of a charge on conductors.
A proof plane is pressed into contact with the surface at various places
of the conductor. The charges on the proof plane are then transferred to the
electroscope. The divergence of the leaf will give a rough measure of the amount
of charge transferred and hence surface density of the charge.
Charge on a Conductor is Concentrated on Sharply Curved Surfaces
Charge on a Conductor is Concentrated on Sharply Curved Surfaces
Show that charge on a conductor is concentrated on sharply
curved surfaces
So far we have considered excess charges on a smooth,
symmetrical conductor surface. What happens if a conductor has sharp corners or
is pointed? Excess charges on a no uniform conductor become concentrated at the
sharpest points. Additionally, excess charge may move on or off the conductor
at the sharpest points.
To see how and why this happens, consider the charged
conductor. The electrostatic repulsion of like charges is most effective in
moving them apart on the flattest surface, and so they become least
concentrated there. This is because the forces between identical pairs of
charges at either end of the conductor are identical, but the components of the
forces parallel to the surfaces are different. The component parallel to the
surface is greatest on the flattest surface and, hence, more effective in
moving the charge.
The same effect is produced on a conductor by an externally
applied electric field, as seen in Figure(c). Since the field lines must be
perpendicular to the surface, more of them are concentrated on the most curved
Excess charge on a non-uniform conductor becomes most
concentrated at the location of greatest curvature. (a) The forces between
identical pairs of charges at either end of the conductor are identical, but
the components of the forces parallel to the surface are different. It is that
moves the charges apart once they have reached the surface. (b)is smallest at
the more pointed end, the charges are left closer together, producing the
electric field shown. (c) An uncharged conductor in an originally uniform
electric field is polarized, with the most concentrated charge at its most
pointed end.
Lightning Conductor
The Phenomenon of Lightning Conductor
Explain the phenomenon of lightning conductor
Lightning is a gigantic electric spark discharge
occurring between two charged clouds or between a cloud and the earth.
Lightning conductor is a long pointed iron rod
with its lower end buried in the earth and the other above the highest part of
the building which is used to protect the building from lightning damage.
The Structure and Mode of Action of Lightning Conductor
Describe the structure and mode of action of lightning
Structure of a lightning conductor
It consists of a long thick pointed copper rod with its
lower end buried in the earth(earth plate) and the other end reaching above the
highest part of the building and ending in several sharp spikes. -It is fixed
to the side of the building.
Mode of action of lightning conductor
When a negatively charged thunder-cloud passes overhead it
acts inductively on the conductor, charging the points positively and the earth
plate negatively.
The negative charge on the plate is, of course, immediately
dissipated into the surrounding earth. At the same time point action occurs at
the spikes. Negative ions are attracted to the spikes and becomes discharged by
giving up their electrons. These electrons then pass down the conductor and
escape to earth.
At the same time positive ions are repelled upwards from the
spikes and spread out to form what is called a space charge. This positive
space charge, however, has a negligible effect in neutralizing the negative
charge on the cloud. example. the figure below.
Note: Without the protection of a lightning conductor
the lightning usually strikes the highest point, generally a chimney, and the
current passes to earth through the path of least resistance. Considerable heat
is generated by the passage of the current and sometimes it may set into fire.
A Simple Lighting Conductor
Construct a simple lightning conductor
A simple lightning conductor
Electric current is the rate of charge flow past a given
point in an electric circuit, measured in Coulombs/second which is named
Amperes. In most DC electric circuits, it can be assumed that the resistance to
current flow is a constant so that the current in the circuit is related to
voltage and resistance by Ohm's law. The standard abbreviations for the units
are 1 A = 1C/s.
Concept Of Current Electricity
Define current electricity
Current electricity is a fundamental quantity and is the
amount of charge passing a given point in a circuit divided by the time
required for the passage of charges.
Electrical current (I) =quantity of charge (Q)/Time (t)
I =Q/t
Q = I.t
Electric current = rate of flow of charge
= (the number of charge carried per second x charge of a
single electron)
From this definition the SI unit of an electric current is I
=Columbus(C)/Second (s)
I = c/s = A
This unit is commonly known as an Ampere (A). Other units
are mill amperes (mA), kilo amperes (KA) and Microampere (mA).
Their equivalents to the ampere are as follows:
1A = 10-3mA
1A= 10-6mA
1KA = 1000A
So when a steady electric current of 1A is flowing in a
circuit a coulomb of charge passes a given point of the circuit per second.
An instrument used to measure electric current is called an
In this chapter we shall study the sustained movement of
electric charge called electric current. To maintain a steady flow of
electricity charge capable of moving and ways of causing them to move.
Secondly, there must be a closed path around which the charge moves. This path
is known as electric circuit.
A coulomb
This is the quantity of electricity, which passes a given
point in circuit in 1 second when a steady current of 1 ampere flows.
In electric current there are flows of electrons through the
conductor. Electrons are negatively charged while protons are positively
charged. The motion of the charge through the circuit transfers energy from one
point to another. This means that the actual directors of an electric current
are opposite to the conventional direction.
Uses of current electricity
Current electricity is mainly used for:
- Cooking
- Lighting
- Communication;
- Heating among many other uses
- .Example consider the Video below welding process:
VIDEO application of electricity.
Different Sources of Current Electricity in Everyday Life
Identify different sources of current electricity in everyday
All sources of electric currents work by converting some
kind of energy into electrical energy. The two basic sources are:
- Batteries
e.g. Mobile phone battery, car dry cell batteries and also car alternator.
- Generator
Batteries convert chemical energy into electrical energy.
While generators convert mechanical energy into electrical energy.
Other sources of electric energy include water
(hydroelectric power), water currents i.e. ocean waves, solar energy and wind
Hydroelectric power is very reliable except in time of
severe drought. This is because electricity is generated from water in dams and
waterfalls, which depends on rainwater. Turbines are used to generate
electricity form falling water.
Solar cells trap and convert solar energy into electric
energy. Space ships and satellite use solar cell to convert sun light into
Simple Electric Circuits
Simple Circuit Components
Identify simple circuit components
An electric circuit contains a source of moving charge
(battery or generator), connecting wires made of conducting materials (usually
copper metal) and various electrical devices such as bulbs, switches,
resistors, ammeters and voltmeters.
Voltmeters measure potential difference in volts. While
resisters oppose the flow of current. The circuit may also contain devices for
controlling the amount of current. These include:
- Rheostat
- Fuse
- Circuit
breakers, as well as devices for measuring current such as ammeters and
The table below shows list of some common circuit component
and their purpose.
Circuit device
Connecting wire
Carry current from point to point in a circuit.
Wire joined
Wire crossing (can be connected)
Supplies electrical energy
Battery (4 cells)
Supplies electrical energy
Battery (multiple cells)
Alternating current (AC) supply
Supplies electrical energy
Impedes the flow of current
Open and closes a circuit
Rheostats (variable resistors
Control amount of current. For example the brightness of a
Detecting the presence of current
Measures current
Measures potential Difference (voltage)
Store charge
Potential Difference (P.D)
Potential difference or voltage is a measure of electrical
Potential difference (p.d) between the +ve and –ve terminals
of a battery causes a current to flow along any conducting path that links
The Concept of Current, Voltage and Resistance
Explain the concept of Current, Voltage and Resistance
An electric current in a material is the passage of charge
through the material. In metals free electrons carry charge. In solutions such
as sodium chloride it is carried by charged particles known as ions.
Insulators like wood and plastic do not contain charge
carriers at all as every electron is firmly fixed onto their atoms. The
electrons are not free to move.
The rate of flow of electrons in a material is called
electric current. It is measured in amperes (A) using an Ammeter. Connection
can damage them. Therefore, when connecting the ammeter, the red wire should be
connected to the +ve terminal of a battery.
A current of 1A is equivalent to a flow of6.25 x 1018electrons
per second and 1 electron has a charge of 1.6x 10-19c.
Current in simple circuit is the same at all points.
Once the circuit is complete, electric charges inside cells
and other sources of electric charge are forced out into the circuit.
The electric energy is normally given out as light and heat,
as energy goes through the bulb. A car headlamp has about 4A of current passing
through it while a small torch uses about 0.2A.
When several cells have been joined together, they form a
battery. Every cell has a voltage, commonly referred to as potential difference
(p.d). This potential difference (p.d) causes the flow of electrons (charges)
in a circuit.E.g. A dry cell has a voltage of 1.5v. This voltage is normally
marked on the cell.
Voltage is measured by using a voltmeter. The SI unit for
voltage is the volt (V). If each coulomb if charge is given 1 joule of
potential energy, then the p.d across the terminals of a battery is 1 volt.
The p.d between the ends of a connecting wire is zero since
there is almost no loss of potential energy over this section.
P.d across the battery = sum of p.d around a conducting
path, whereas voltage provides the driving force to an electric current, this
force is always opposed.
Is the opposition flow to an electric current. As current
flows through the circuit it encounters some opposing force. This force
determines the amount of current flowing in an electric device.
The property of conductors that oppose the flow of electric
charges depends on the relationship between current and voltage across their
ends as discovered by George Ohm. He observed that voltage across a conductor
was directly proportional to electric current flowing through it provided that
temperature and other physical conditions of the conductor were kept constant.
Hence, V x I
R is the constant of proportionality. This constant is
called resistance and the above relationship is known as Ohms law.
Resistant (R) = p.d across the conductor/Current through the
Therefore a resistance of 1ohm is obtained when a p.d of 11V
cause a current of 1A to flow in a circuit.
1mΩ = 10-3Ω
R0 = 10mΩ
R1 = 10Ω
1kΩ = 103Ω
R2 = 2kΩ
1MΩ = 106Ω
R3 = 5MΩ
A resistor
Is a device especially designed to offer resistance to the
flow of an electric current, Resistors include rheostats (variable resistor)
and fixed resistors.
Ohm's Law
Ohms law states, “At constant temperature and other physical
factors, the potential difference across the end is directly proportional to
the current passing through a conductor (wire).”
A graphical representation of Ohm's law. The graph of
voltage against current.
The gradient of the particular graph represents resistance.
This is constant for a particular wire or conductors. Doubling the voltage
would double the current; a graph of this kind passes through the origin.
The resistance of a conductor is affected by the following
Length of the conductor
The longer the wire, the higher the resistance, short
lengths of wire produce resistors of low resistance while long lengths of the
same wire are good for high – value resistance.
An increase in temperature of a conductor means an increase
in its resistance and vice versa. This is important in resistance thermometers.
The resistance of metal conductor increases with increase in temperature.
Types of material
The conducting ability of the material has to be considered.
A chrome wire has more resistance than a copper wire of the same dimension.
That is why copper is mostly used for connecting wire.
Cross – sectional area
A thin wire has more resistance than a thick conductor. The
filament of a bulb is made of very thin tang stem wire. It therefore has a high
melting point.
With all other factors being equal, a long wire has more
resistance than a short wire and thin wire has more resistance than a thick
one. Therefore, resistance of a conductor varies depending on the current flow.
The SI Units of Current, Voltage and Resistance
State the SI units of Current, Voltage and Resistance
The rate of flow of electrons in a material is called
electric current. It is measured in amperes (A) using an Ammeter. The SI unit
for current is ampere.
Voltage is measured by using a voltmeter. The SI unit for
voltage is the volt (V)
Resistant (R) = p.d across the conductor/Current through the
conductor. The SI unit for resistance is Ohm.
Connecting Simple Electric Circuits
Connect simple electric circuits
The following are different concepts used in current electricity.
Galvanometer: Is an electrical instrument used for detecting and indicating electrical current. Galvanometer works as an actuator by producing a rotary deflection of a pointer. diagram of galvanometer;
Voltmeter: This is an instrument which used for measuring electrical potential difference between two points in an electrical circuit. its given by the symbol below 

Potential difference: Refers to the difference between two points that represents the work involved or energy released in transfer of a unit quantity of electrical from one point to the other.
Consider a circuit consisting of a battery, a switch and 2
When the switch is closed, current flows through the wires
and the bulbs light up. The circuit is said to be complete. When the switch is opened,
no current flows through the wire, as the path carrying current is broken. The
circuit is said to be incomplete.
Unlike an ammeter, a voltmeter must be connected in parallel
with component so as to measure the voltage drop across it. The figures show a
simple electric circuit in which the ammeter and voltmeter are connected in
series and parallel respectively.
As already learnt, resistance is the ratio of the potential
difference across the ends of the conductor, a very good conductor will have 0
R = V/I
Not that the rheostat (variable resistor) moves, it varies
with the length of the conductor being used.
Example 1
A battery of 5V has a resistance wire of 20Ω connected to
it. Calculate the current in the circuit.
I = V/R = 5V/20Ω
I = 0.25A
Current in the circuit = 0.25A
Example 2
Calculate the reading of the Voltmeter P and the ammeter Q
in the electric circuit below.
Being a single loop circuit, current is the same at all
Q = 3A
Sum of p.d in external circuit = p.d across battery
3V + P = 13V
P = 10V
Q = 3A and Voltmeter P = 10V
Note: for a single loop or simple circuit.
- Current
is the same at all points around the circuit
- The
sum of the potential differences around a conducting path from one battery
terminal to the other terminal within the circuit is the same as the p.d
across the battery.
Electric Current and Voltage
Measure electric current and voltage
Since we cannot see electric current to measure it, we must
observe some of its visible effects, like deflection of pointers.
Beside an ammeter, an electric current is measured using Millimeter
and micrometers. These devices are normally connected in series with the source
of current e.g. circuit with a galvanometer connected in parallel.
Galvanometer in parallel connection.
Galvanometer can only measure very small current of a few
hundred microamperes. To measure large currents a resistor is added to make
current flow through it and a very small amount of current flows to the
galvanometer. This combination is called an ammeter.
On the other hand voltage is measured depending on the
amount of current passing through the circuit. In Ohmic device it is given as
Simple Electric Circuits
Analyze simple electric circuits
Combination of resistors
There are two main methods of connecting circuit components,
in series or in parallel. Resistors can be connected either in series or in
parallel depending on the desired output.
Series combination
In series arrangement the resistors are connected end to
In a simple circuit
V = V1 + V2 or V- (V1 + v2)= 0
This means that the sum of the p.d across the resistors is
the same as the p.d across the battery.
Current is the same at all points around the circuit.
Resistors connected in series
Parallel connection
Resistors are connected across two common points in a
parallel arrangement.
Note; Potential difference is from a single source and so is
the same for all the branches. However the current is different in each branch.
From Ohm's law;
When bulbs have to be powered by a single source of electric
current, the bulbs are connected in parallel. This is practiced in car and home
lighting system.
The advantage of parallel arrangement over series
arrangement is that:
- The
full p.d of source is applied across each bulb irrespective of the number
of bulbs.
- Switching
one bulb on and off does not affect the others.
Example 3
consider the figure below:
Given that the p.d a cross the cell is 24V, calculate the
p.d across the 4Ω and 6Ω.
Total resistance in the circuit = 4Ω + 6Ω= 10Ω
Using Ohm’s law. I = V/R,
Current in the circuit = 24V/10Ω= 2.4A
This implies the 2.4A passed through the 4Ω resistor.
The pd across it can be obtained through V=IR
p.d = 2.4A x 4N = 9.6V
Note that the p.d across two resistors adds up to the
battery p.d.
p.d across the 6Ω = (24-9.6) V
= 14.4V
P.d across the 6Ω =14.4V
Magnetism was first introduced and used by chines people and
named lodestone. A Lodestone was capable of attracting small iron pieces and it
was used as a crude navigation compass by Greeks. Lodestones were the earliest
magnets. Iron, nickel and cobalt are the only naturally occurring
magnetic materials. Magnet has two ends known as magnetic poles in which the
greatest attraction power is concentrated.
Magnetc and Non-magneti Materials/Substances
Magnetic substances
These are substances which have a property of being
attracted by a magnate g; iron, steel, cobalt and nickel.
a. Pole
strength refers to the ability of a magnet to atract objects.
- Ferromagnetic
substances have very high magnetic susceptibility (easily
magnetized) .Eg; iron, nickel and cobalt.
- Electromagnet is
the substance which requires electric current to attain magnetism.
- Permanent
magnet is a substance which is already a magnet and it doesn’t
require elctric current to attain magnetism.
Non-magnetic substances
These are substances which are not attracted by a magnet. Eg;
copper, brass, aluminum, glass, plastic and wood. These substances have very
weak magnetic properties.
The Properties of Magnets
State the properties of magnets
Magnets have a tendency of attracting magnetic substances
and have no action on non-magnetic materials.
Types of magnetic materials
There are three types of magnetic materials:
- Diametric
materials: Are substances which have a tendency to repel from a
stronger to weaker magnetic field. Eg; bismuth, water,
gold,air,hydrogen,common salt,diamond,silver and copper.
- Paramagnetic
materials: Are substances which become weakly magnetized when
placed in magnetic field. Eg; aluminum, platinum,chromium,oxygen and
- Ferromagnetic
materials: Are substances which becomes magnetized when placed in
magnetic field. Their magnetic domain become aligned in one direction when
they are placed in magnetic field. Eg; iron, cobalt and nickel.
Magnetic domain refers to the molecular magnets
lined up with each other which constitute ferromagnetic materials.
The direction of magnetic poles varies from one domain to
another if the magnet is an magnified
Example figure below.
Types of Magnets
Identify types of Magnets
Magnets may also be classified according to their shapes.
This includes:
- Horse
shoe magnet
- Rod
- Field
- Bar
Application of Magnets
Identify application of magnets
Magnets are used in:
- women
handbags closing
- picking
up heavy loads
- electrical
appliances like meter and receivers
- sound
and video recording equipment
- computer
memory and disks
- electrical
Magnetization and Demagnetization
The Concept of Magnetization and Demagnetization
Explain the concept of magnetization and demagnetization
Magnetization: Is a process of making a magnet from a
magnetic substance.
Demagnetization : Is the process by which a magnet is
made to lose its magnetism.
Demonstrate magnetization and demagnetization
Methods of magnetization
There are various ways, including;
- Induction
- Stroking
- Electrical
Induction method.
This is done by placing a piece of unmagnified steel bar
near or in contact with a pole of a magnet and then removing it.
In this case an iron nail placed near a bar magnet will be
induced with magnetism.
Stroking method:
This is done by stroking a bar magnet into an magnified
steel bar. There are two stroking methods, namely as single Touch and Double touch.
- Single
touch: A magnetized bar magnet is formed by a single stroke.-A
steel bar is stroked repeatedly by a very strong bar magnetism the same
direction with the north pole i.e. from A to B. The bar magnet is lifted
at B and then returned at A. After several strokes the steel bar will be magnetized
with north pole at A and south pole at B.
- Double
touch: Two bar magnets are used to magnetize a single steel bar.
The steel bar is magnetized by two bar magnets from its center to its ends
using left and right hands simultaneously for several times. Between each
stroke the two bar magnets are lifted up high and returned to the center
for another stroking.
In this case the steel bar will be magnetized with south
pole at A and north pole at B.
- In
both single and double touch methods, the magnetizing magnet none of their
- Between
successive strokes, the pole is lifted high above bar, otherwise the
magnetism already induced in it will tend to be weakened.3.Consequent
poles will be formed at the center of the steel bar when the two bar
magnets placed at the center are of like poles. Same poles will be
obtained on both ends.
Electrical method
A cylindrical coil wound with many of insulated copper wire
is connected in series with a battery. A steel bar is placed inside the
solenoid and the current switched on and off. When the steel bar is removed and
tested, it is found to be magnetized. example figure below.
Note: If the current is switched off for so long, the
bar will not be magnetized. The poles of the bar magnet depends on the
direction of flow of current. The end at which the direction of the current is
in clockwise direction will be south pole and if anticlockwise it will be north
Methods of demagnetization
Electrical method
The magnet is placed inside a solenoid through which an a. c
is flowing. The magnet is withdrawn from the solenoid while the current is
flowing pointing in the W-E direction. When the magnet is held in W-E
direction, it doesn’t remain with residue magnetism due to induction from
earths magnetic field.
Other methods of demagnetization include;
- Heating
a magnet.
- Hammering
while pointing E-W direction.
Methods of Storing Magnets
Design methods of storing magnets
Magnets are stored in magnetic keepers. They are
stored in pairs, with unlike poles together and with pieces of iron(magnetic
keepers) across both ends .The keepers are magnetized by induction.
Magnetic Fields of a Magnet
The Concept of Magnetic Fields of a Magnet
Explain the concept of magnetic fields of a magnet
Magnetic field:Is a space surrounding a magnet in
which a magnetic force is exerted or experienced. It consists of magnetic field
lines which are imaginary lines of force around a magnet from North Pole to
South Pole.
The Magnetic Lines of Force around a Magnet using Iron
Fillings or Compass Needle
Illustrate the magnetic lines of force around a magnet using
iron fillings or compass needle
Aim:To study the properties of magnetic field lines around a
bar magnet.
Materials: Iron fillings, bar magnets and a piece of paper.
- Place
a sheet of plane paper over a bar magnet.
- Sprinkle
iron fillings on the sheet of paper.
- Gently
tap the sheet of paper.
- Iron
fillings will form a pattern which depends on the magnetic lines of force
of the magnet.
- The
lines of equal magnetic strength are seen flowing between magnetic poles
.The lines are referred to as lines of magnetic flux or field lines. The
pattern magnetic force is called a magnetic field.
- When
investigating a magnetic field with iron fillings the field is strongest
where the fillings are crowded.
- By investigating a magnetic field lines and a bar magnet using a small compass needle, the magnetic flux(lines) runs from north pole to south pole.
Neutral point is a point at which the resultant
magnetic flux density is zero.
this area, X, the two magnetic field s cancel or neutralize
each other .It happens when two like magnetic poles are brought together.
Therefore neutral point is;
- an
area in a magnetic field where the resultant magnetic field strength is
- a
point which exists where two magnetic field neutralize each other.
The Methods of Magnetic Shielding
Explain the methods of magnetic shielding
Magnetic shielding: Is a screen made from high
permeability material used to isolate any material from unwanted magnetic fields
Example; The electron beam in the cathode ray tubes of TV
sets, and very delicate measuring instruments are shielded(protected)from
magnetic influence by placing them in soft iron cases with thick wells.
Here the object is shielded from the strong magnetic fields
by a soft iron ring around it.
Earth's Magnetic Field
The Phenomenon of Earth's Magnetism
Explain the phenomenon of earth's magnetism
Earth is imagined as a single big magnet, with its south
seeking pole near the geographic north called a north magnetic pole and the
north seeking pole is near geographic south pole called south magnetic pole.
The earth behaves as if at its center there is a short piece
of a bar magnet inclined at a small angle to its rotation (spinning) axis. When
a bar magnet is hanged horizontally with a string, it will oscillates for a
short time and then comes to rest with its poles pointing in the N-S direction
due to the earth’s magnetic field.
This gives a notion that the earths north pole is in the
southern hemisphere where any magnets north pole will always point. The two
earth’s magnetic poles are joined by a line called magnetic meridian. The
geographic meridian joins the true north and true south.
Direction of Earth's Magnetic Field
Determine direction of earth's magnetic field
Compass needle : Is a thin magnet balanced on a
point, usually at the center of gravity used to identify N-S direction. Spinning
a compass needle, it will eventually come to rest with its poles pointing to
the N-S direction. This gives direction at any point on the earth’s surface. Example the structure of compass needle
The Earth's Magnetic Lines of Force about a Bar Magnet
Locate the earth' magnetic lines of force about a bar magnet
The magnetic field lines around a bar magnet can be mapped
with the help of a magnetic compass. The magnetic field lines due to a bar
magnet are closed loops. They leave at the north pole and enter at the south
pole. When you plot the magnetic field lines around a bar magnet, the
horizontal component of the earth’s magnetic field, B0, influences
the magnetic field induction, B, due to the bar magnet. At points close to the
bar magnet, magnetic induction B due to the bar magnet is very high as compared
to the horizontal component of the earth’s magnetic field, B0. Thus,
B0is negligible.
According to the inverse square law of magnetism, magnetic
field induction B due to the bar magnet decreases as we move away from it. At
certain points around the bar magnet, B and B0are equal in magnitude
and opposite in direction. Therefore, they cancel each other out, and the
resultant magnetic field is zero.
Thus, the point where magnetic field induction B due to a
bar magnet is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the horizontal
component of the earth’s magnetic field induction, B0, is called a
neutral point.
The neutral points around a bar magnet can be located in two
different cases
- When
the north pole of the bar magnet points towards the earth’s north pole
- when
the south pole of the bar magnet points towards the earth’s north pole.
When the north pole of a bar magnet points towards the
north pole of the earth.
- Fix
a sheet of white paper on a drawing board with brass pins.
- Take
a compass needle, place it at the Centre of the paper, and mark the north
and south directions.
- Draw
a straight line along the paper connecting the two points. This represents
the magnetic meridian of the earth.
- Represent
the geographical directions at the corner of the paper.
- Draw
an arrow from the geographical south to the geographical north on the
right side of the paper to indicate the direction of the horizontal
component of the earth’s magnetic field, B0.
- Take
a bar magnet and place it at the Centre of the paper such that the north
pole of the bar magnet points towards the north pole of the earth.
- Now
place the compass needle at the north pole of the bar magnet and mark a
point where the north pole of the compass needle is.
- Shift
the compass such that the south pole of the compass needle is at the point
you just marked.
- Mark
another point at the north of the compass needle, and then shift the
compass, as done earlier. Repeat the procedure till the compass needle
reaches the other end of the bar magnet.
- Join
all the points to get a continuous smooth curve, which represents a
magnetic field line.
- Repeat
the procedure from the north pole of the magnet, but from different
points, and draw the magnetic field lines.
The two points on either side of the bar magnet at equal
distances from its center, where the compass needle does not show any specific
direction. At these points, the magnetic field induction B due to the bar
magnet and the horizontal component of the earth’s magnetic field induction, B0are
equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. The resultant magnetic field is
zero. These points represent the neutral points denoted by N1and N2.
These two points fall on the equatorial line of the bar magnet.
Thus, when the north pole of a bar magnet points towards the
geographical north pole of the earth, the two neutral points lie on the
equatorial line of the bar magnet such that they are equidistant from the Centre
of the bar magnet.
The Angle of Inclination (dip) and Angles of Declination
Measure the angle of inclination (dip) and angles of
Angle of dip is the angle between the direction
of the earth’s magnetic flux and the horizontal. Example consider figure below.
The angle of dip is not constant over the earth’s surface;
it varies from place to place.
This difference is brought about by the earth’s magnetic
field direction at a point on the earth’s surface. The easiest way to measure
the angle of dip is using a thin iron rod .The rod is suspended by length of a
thread such that it balances horizontally.
Without disturbing the position of attachment, the rod is magnetized
by bringing close a bar magnet and touching. On re-suspending the rod will dip
with its north pole pointing downwards as shown in the diagram above. Using a
protractor, the angle between the axis of the rod and the horizontal can be
Angle of declination
Is the angle between the magnetic meridian and geographic meridian.
The angle of declination varies from place to place all over the world. Maps
shows declination at different points of the world. example the structure below.
Application of Earth's Magnetic Field
State the application of earth's magnetic field
The earth’s magnetic field is used to:
- indicate
poles of unknown magnets.
- enables the use of magnetic needle.
Moment of a Force
The Effects of Turning Forces
Explain the effects of turning forces
A force is a push or pull which when
applied to a body it will change its state either by stopping it if it was in
motion or making it move if it was at rest.
If a body under the action of a net external force’s allowed
to rotate about a pivot, the body will tend to turn in the direction of the
applied force.
Examples of turning effect of force:
- A
person pushing a swing will make the swing rotate about its pivot.
- A
worker applies force to a spanner to rotate a nut.
- A
person removes a bottle’s cork by pushing down the bottle opener’s lever.
- Force
is applied to a door knob and the door swings open about its hinge.
- A
driver can turn a steering wheel by applying force on its rim.
The Moment of Force
Determine the moment of forceMoment of force about a point is the turning
effect of the force about that point. The change of state of a body can appear
in several forms and the most common form is the turning effect which is
referred to as moment of a force.
The unit for a force is Newton, while that for moment
of a force is Newton-meter, Nm.
Moment = Force, F x Perpendicular distance, x.
Moment = Fx
Consider the diagram below;
Moment of W₁ about the fulcrum. = W₁d₁
Moment of W₂ about fulcrum = W₂d₂
The Principle of Moments
State the principle of moments
The Principle of moments states that: ”If a body is in equilibrium under a
force which lie in one plane, the sum of the clockwise moments is equal to the
sun of the anticlockwise moments about any point in that plane.”
Activity 1
Aim: To determine the moment of a force.
Materials and apparatus: Meter rule, several different
weights, inelastic cotton thread, knife edge and a marker pen.
- Balance
the meter rule horizontally on a knife edge.
- Mark
a balance point as C. Use the marker pen to do that.
- Suspend
a meter rule from a fixed axis through C. Suspend unequal weights W₁ and
W₂ from the meter rule by using thin cotton threads.
- Adjust
the distance d₁ and d₂ of the weights W₁ and W₂ from C until the meter
rule balance.
- Repeat
the experiment five times using different values of W₁ and W₂. Record the
results on the table as shown below.
W₁ d₁ (gcm)
W₂ d₂ (gcm)
Observation: In each case it will be found that W₁ d₁ is equal
to W₂ d₂.
The Principle of Moment in Daily Life
Apply the principle of moment in daily life
Moment of a force is used in the following:
- Is
applied by a hand to unscrew a stopper on the bottle.
- Is
applied by a spanner to unscrew a nut on a bottle.
- Turning
a steering wheel of a car.
Centre of Gravity
Centre of gravity;
Center of gravity of a body is the point at
which the weight of a body appears to be concentrated. OR center of gravity of
a body is the point of application of the resultant force due to the earth
attraction on the body. The center of gravity of a regular body is found to be
at its geometrical center.
Example 1
- Centre
of gravity of a uniform meter rule is at the 50cm mark.
- Centre
of gravity of a circular object is at its center.
The center of gravity of irregular bodies can be found
Centre of Gravity of Regular Shaped Body
Determine center of gravity of regular shaped body
Activity 2
Aim; To determine the center of gravity of a regular body
(meter rule)
Materials and apparatus: Meter rule, a known weight and a
spring balance.
- Balance
the meter rule on a fulcrum and mark the position where the meter rule
balances horizontally by the letter G.
- Hang
a known weight from one end of the meter rule and determine the position
where the meter rule balances and mark it X.
- Measure the distance XC and XG(C is the point at the end of the meter rule where an object of known weight, w is attached).
The weight, w of the meter rule always acts at G downwards.
Thus it will create a moment to balance the moment due to w.
The mass of the meter rule, w is determined by using the
principle of moments. Taking moments about X;
Clockwise moments = Anticlockwise moments w₁ .XC =w. XG
Centre of Gravity of Irregular Shaped Body
Determine center of gravity of irregular shaped body
Activity 3
Aim: To determine the center of gravity of irregular plate.
Materials and apparatus: Card board, plumb line, inelastic
cotton thread, clamp, clamp rod and a marker pen.
- Make
an irregular shaped piece of card board.
- Make three small holes well-spaced round the edge of the cardboard.
Types of Equilibrium
The Condition for Equilibrium
Explain the condition for equilibrium
Equilibrium: A body is said to be balanced if its
center of gravity is directly above the point of support.
Stable, Unstable and Neutral Equilibrium
Explain Stable, Unstable and Neutral equilibrium
There are three types of equilibrium, namely:
- Stable
- Unstable
- Neutral
Stable equilibrium: A body is said to be in stable
equilibrium if is given with small displacement the center of gravity will be
raised and the body returns to its original position after displacement.
Unstable equilibrium: A body is said to be in
unstable equilibrium if when given a small displacement the center of gravity
will be lowered and the body doesn’t returns to its original position after
Neutral equilibrium: A body is said to be in neutral
equilibrium when a small displacement doesn’t alter the position of the center
of gravity; the body is at rest in whichever position it is placed, eg, rolling
a sphere or a barrel.
Conditions of Stable, Unstable and Neutral Equilibrium in
Daily Life. Consider figure below.
- Is
applied by a hand to unscrew a stopper on the bottle.
- Is
applied by a spanner to unscrew a nut on a bottle.
- Turning
a steering wheel of a car.
Exercise 1
.The moment of a force about a point is 1120 Nm .If the
magnitude of the force is 5600N,find the perpendicular distance between the
point and the line of action of the force
Simple Machines
A simple machine is a non-powered mechanical device that
changes the direction or magnitude of a force. In general, they can be defined
as the simplest mechanisms that use mechanical advantage (also called leverage)
to multiply force. A simple machine uses a single applied force to do work
against a single load force. Ignoring friction losses, the work done on the
load is equal to the work done by the applied force.
Concept of Simple Machines
Nowadays man can do many things without necessarily using
much of his own energy. Many can fly by using aero plane, raise a heavy load,
and drive a nail into wood by using a hammer. All of these are achieved using
The Concept of a Simple Machine
Explain the concept of a simple machine
Machine is any device, which is used for simplifying work.
Examples of machines are: a crowbar, a seesaw, a claw hammer, a pulley and an
inclined plane.
Types of machine:
There are two types of machines
- Simple
- Complex
What is simple machine?
Simple machine is any device, which requires single force in
operation to simplify work e.g. Claw hammer, a pulley, and an inclined plane.
In a simple machine, a force is applied at one convenient point to overcome
another force acting at another point.
Simple Machine
The diagram above shows different types of simple machines used in our daily life. Effort, Load and Force is applied at one end of the bar in order to exert an upward
force on theload. The down ward force is called effort and the weight of the
stone is called load.
Effort is the force used to operate a machine. And Load is
the resistance, which machines overcome.
The following are different classes of machines;
First class lever; This is
a class of machine where the fulcrum is edged between output and the effort.
example, below image.
Second class lever; This
is the second class of a machine where a load is edged between fulcrum and
effort. Example. Wheel barrow
Third class lever: This is the third class of machine where
Effort is between load and the fulcrum. example. a fishing rod
used in simple machine
Mechanical Advantage
Mechanical advantage (M.A) is the ratio of load and effort
Mechanical advantage has no SI unit.
Example 1
Example 1
A simple machine raises a load of 100N by using a force 50N.
Calculate the mechanical advantage.
Example 2
Example 2.
A force of 20N raises a load of 100kg. Calculate mechanical
advantage of the machine.
Velocity ratio
Velocity ratio is the ratio of distance travelled by effort
and distance travelled by load. Or Velocity ratio is the distance moved by
effort per distance moved by load.
Example 3
In a certain machine a force of 10N moves down a distance of
5cm in order to raise a load of 100N through a height of 0.5cm calculated the
velocity ratio (V.R) of the machine.
Distance by Effort = 5cm
Distance moved by load = 0.5cm.
Efficiency of Machine
Efficiency of machine is the ratio of work output and work
Work output = Load x Distance moved by Load
Work input = Effort x Distance moved by Effort
A perfect machine has 100% Efficiency. Therefore M.A is
equal to V.R.
Note: most machines are imperfect machines since
efficiency is less than 100% this is due to the friction and heat and loss of
Example 4
A certain machine with force of 10N moves down a distance of
5cm in order to raise a load of 100N through a height of 0.5cm.
- M.A
- V.R
- Efficiency
of machine
Date given:
Effort = 10N
Load = 100N
Distance moved by effort = 5cm
Distance of load= 0.5cm
Efficiency machine?
Efficiency of machine () = M.A x 100%
Different Kinds of Simple Machine
Identify the different kinds of simple machines
Different Kinds of Simple Machines
Types of Simple Machines
A lever is a rigid body, which when used turns about a fixed
point called a fulcrum or pivot. It is used to shift heavy loads.
The Three Classes of Levers
Identify the three classes of levers
Classes of Levers
There are three classes of levers:
First class lever
Second class lever
Third class lever
The Mechanical Advantage, Velocity Ratio and Efficiency of
Determine the mechanical advantage, velocity ratio and
efficiency of lever
Mechanical Advantage of Lever
M.A =X/Y
M.A =Load arm/Effort arm
Levers in Daily Life
Use of levers in daily life
The reason for a lever is that you can use it for a
mechanical advantage in lifting heavy loads, moving things a greater
distance or increasing the speed of an object.
- Increase
force: You can increase the applied force in order to lift heavier
- Increase
distance moved
- Increase speed: You can increase the speed that the load moves with Class 1 or Class 3 levers.
A pulley is a grooved wheel, which is free to turn about an
axle that is fixed in a frame.
Different Pulley System
Identify different pulley systems
Types of Pulleys
- Single
fixed pulley
- Single
movable pulley
- The
block and tackle system of pulley
Single fixed pulley
This is the type of pulley whereby effort is applied at one
end of the tape in order to raise the load. Single fixed pulleys are used to
raise small objects e.g. Flags. Consider the diagram below:-
Single fixed Pulley
M.A and V.R of single fixed pulley
Single Movable Pulley
Single movable pulley is the one which load is multiple of
Load = 2E
M.A and V.R of single movable pulley
The block and tackle.
Velocity ratio of Block and tackle system is equal to the
number of pulleys.
Example 5
Example 1
A block and tackle pulley system has a velocity ratio of 4.
If a load of 200N is raised by using a force of 75N. Calculate the mechanical
(i) Advantage of the system (ii) efficiency of the system.
Data given
Velocity ratio (V.R) = 4
Load = 200N
Effort = 75N
M.A =?
M.A and Efficiency of block and tackle pulley system
Mechanical Advantage, Velocity Ratio and Efficiency of
Pulley System
Determine mechanical advantage, velocity ratio and
efficiency of pulley system
VR of block and tackle
When the lower two pulleys move up a vertical distance y,
corresponding to movement y of the load L, each pulley releases a length y of
the rope on each side giving a total length 2y.
With all this movement of pulleys, the effort E is moved
down a distance of 2 x 2y or 4y.Thus, VR = (distance moved by effort)/(distance
moved by load at the same time) = 4y/y = 4
VR = Number of pulleys of the system.
Efficiency of block and tackle
From, ε = MA/VR X 100%
ε = (number of pulleys )/(number of pulleys) x 100%
Note: Then, for a perfect block and tackle pulley system, ε
= 100%.
But in practical case the MA is less than the number of
pulleys, hence the efficiency of pulleys system is less than 100% due to
friction losses.
MA of block and tackle.
From MA = load/effort
MA = (Effort x Number of pulleys of the system)/Effort
MA = Number of pulleys of the system.
Pulley in Daily Life
Use of pulley in daily life
Uses of Pulleys
Pulleys have been used for lifting for thousands of years.
The most prevalent and oldest example are their uses on ships and boats. The
block and tackle have been a key tool for raising sails and cargo. Another
major use for pulleys is with cranes.
Pulleys have been used also in modern times with various
machines and systems. Even in the space age, pulleys have been an important
aspect for the construction and operations of spacecraft and aircraft. It is
with a pulley system that rudders for an aircraft are controlled.
Pulleys are used in everyday life, from vehicles to moving
equipment such as cranes.
Inclined Plane
State the concept of inclined plane
An inclined plane is a sloping plane surface, usually a
wooden plank used to raise heavy load by pulling or pushing them along the
surface of the plane.
An inclined plane , Machenical Advantage, Velocity Ratio and Efficiency of
Inclined Plane
Determine mechanical advantage, velocity ratio and
efficiency of inclined plane
Mechanical advantage of the inclined plane
M.A = Load/Effort
V.R of inclined plane = Length of the plane/Height of the
Example 6
A loaded wheelbarrow of weight 800N is pushed up an inclined
plane by a force of 150N parallel to the plane. If the plane rises by 50cm for
every 400cm distance measured along the plane, find the velocity ratio,
mechanical advantage and efficiency of the plane.
Data given
Load = 800N
Effort = 150N
Length of plane = 400cm
Height of the plane = 50cm
V.R =?
M.A, V.R and Efficiency of Inclined Plane
Inclined Plane in Daily Life
Apply inclined plane in daily life
Application of Inclined Plane
Inclined planes are widely used in the form of loading ramps
to load and unload goods on trucks, ships, and planes. Wheelchair ramps are
used to allow people in wheel chairs to get over vertical obstacles without
exceeding their strength. Escalators and slanted conveyor belts are also forms
of inclined plane.
In a funicular or cable railway a railroad car is pulled up
a steep inclined plane using cables. Inclined planes also allow heavy fragile
objects, including humans, to be safely lowered down a vertical distance by
using the normal force of the plane to reduce the gravitational force. Aircraft
evacuation slides allow people to rapidly and safely reach the ground from
A screw Jack consist of a cylinder with a spiral ridge runs
round it. The spiral is called the thread (T) and the distance between two
adjacent threads is called the pitch (p) of the screw.
The Screw Jack
The Mechanical Advantage, Velocity Ratio and Efficiency of a
Screw Jack
Determine the mechanical advantage, velocity ratio and
efficiency of a Screw Jack
Mechanical advantage of the screw jack
M.A = Load/Effort
Velocity ratio (V.R)
V.R = 2pR/P
Example 7
Example 1
A screw jack with a pitch of 0.2cm and a handle of length
50cm is used to lift a car of weight 1.2 x 104N. If the efficiency
of the screw is 30%, find:
- The
velocity ratio and mechanical Advantage of the machine
- The
effort required to raise the car
Date given
Pitch = 0.2cm
Radius= 50cm
Load = 1.2 x104N
Efficiency of jack =30%
The Screw Jack in Daily Life
Use the Screw Jack in daily life
Screw jacks are used to lift heavy loads despite the large
friction they produce. The heavier the load the higher the friction force. They
are self-locking, meaning that when the applied force is removed, they do not
rotate backwards. They are used in adjusting workplace chairs and tables. They
also help in pulling and pushing machine equipment as well as tightening
mechanical parts.
The Structure of a Wheel and Axle
Describe the structure of a wheel and axle
Structure of Wheel and Axle
A wheel and axle is a simple machine that consists of a
wheel and axle mounted with the same axis of rotation. The radius of the wheel
is always greater than that of the axle.
Consider the diagram below:
Wheel and Axle
The Mechanical Advantage, Velocity Ratio and Efficiency of a
Wheel and Axle
Determine the mechanical advantage, velocity ratio and
efficiency of a wheel and axle
Mechanical advantage of Wheel and Axle
M.A = Load/Effort
Velocity ratio ( V.R)= radius of wheel (R)/radius of
axle (r)
Example 8
Example 1
A wheel and axle of efficiency 80% is used to raise a load
of 2000N. If the radius of the wheel is 50cm, and that of the axle is 2cm,
- The
velocity ratio and mechanical Advantage of machine
- The
effort required to overcome the load
Data given
Efficiency = 80%
Load = 2000N
Radius of wheel (R)= 50cm
Radius of axle (r) = 2cm
The Wheel and Axle in Daily Life Use the wheel and axle in daily life
Application of Wheel and Axle
Wheels help people do work in two ways. First, like leversorinclined
planes, wheels allow you to do something easy for a longer time, instead of
doing something hard for a shorter time. If you turn a large wheel fixed to an
axle, the axle will also turn. You can turn the large wheel easily (but it
takes a lot of turning to go all the way around).
The axle will go around a much shorter distance, but with
more force. So you can use a wheel to create a mechanical advantage - you can
turn something heavy, by spinning a large wheel attached to an axle that is
attached to the heavy thing.
That's how a pencil sharpener works. Or, you can do it the
other way around - use a lot of force to turn the axle, and that will spin the
wheels really fast. That's what cars do. Wheels are the most important part of
pottery wheels, wagons and cars, but also of wheel barrows, spinning wheels,
water wheels, windmills, and pulleys.
Also, wheels on a wagon only touch the ground at one spot at
a time, keeping the rest of the wagon off the ground. This makes less friction,
so that the wagon is easier to move than if you were pulling it along like a
The Structure of Hydraulic Press
Describe the structure of Hydraulic Press
Structure of Hydraulic Press
A hydraulic press is a machine that has a bed or a plate in
which the metallic material is placed so that it can be crushed, straightened
or molded.
Mechanical Advantage, Velocity Ratio and Efficiency of a
Hydraulic Press
Determine mechanical advantage, velocity ratio and
efficiency of a Hydraulic Press
In hydraulic press small force (Effort) applied on the small
piston is used to overcome a much greater force (load) on the large piston.
When a small effort (E) is applied downwards on the effort
piston of radius (r) the load piston of radius (R) lifts the load (L).
Consider the diagram below:
By the principle of transmission of pressure in liquid, the
pressure on effort piston is equal to the load piston.
VELOCITY RATIO OF HYDRAULIC PRES.If friction is neglected the work done by the effort E is
equal to the work done on the load (L). So if the effort piston is moved by
distance x and the load piston raised up by a corresponding distance Y, it
Uses of a Hydraulic Press
A hydraulic press is used for almost all industrial
purposes. But basically it is used for transforming metallic objects into
sheets of metal. In other industries, it is used for the thinning of glass,
making powders in case of the cosmetic industry and for forming the tablets for
medical use.
Motion in Straight Line
Motion is the change of position of an object from one place
to another. There are two types of motions; I. Circular Motion-Is the motion of
an object in a circle. Examples; a/. motion of the electron around the nucleus
of an atom b/. revolutionary movement of the earth around the sun. 2 .Linear Motion-Is the motion of an object in a
straight line.
Distance and Displacement
Difference between Distance and DisplacementDistinguish between Distance and Displacement
Distance Is the length between two points or two objects. It
is a scalar quantity i.e. it has a magnitude only but no direction. Its symbol
is X or S and the SI unit is meter (m). Other units used are Kilometer (km) and
Centimeter (cm)
Displacement Is the distance in a specific direction. It is
a vector quantity i.e. it has both magnitude and direction.
Differences between distance and displacement
Is the length moved by an object between two points .
Is the distance in a specific direction
It is a scalar quantity
It is a vector quantity
The SI Units of Distance and Displacement
State the SI units of Distance and Displacement
The symbol for distance is X or S and the SI unit is meter
(m). Other units used are Kilometer (km) and Centimeter (cm)
The standard unit of displacement in the International
System of Units ( SI ) is the meter (m).
Speed and Velocity
Difference between Speed and Velocity
Distinguish between Speed and Velocity
Speed is the distance moved by an object in a unit time or
is the rate of change of distance. It is a scalar quantity.
Velocity is the displacement moved by an object per unit
time or is the rate of change of displacement. It is a vector quantity and its
symbol is U or V.
Formula for speed and velocity
Speed(velocity) = Distance/displacement x time taken
X = VT
Note:36km/h = 10m/s
Differences between speed and velocity
Is the rate of change of distance
Is the rate of change of displacement
It is a scalar quantity
Is a vector quantity
The SI Unit of Speed and Velocity
State the SI unit of Speed and Velocity
The SI unit of speed and velocity is meter per second (m/s).
Other units are Km/h or cm/s
The Average Velocity of a Body
Determine average velocity of a body
Types of velocity
- Initial
velocity, U – Is the velocity of a body at the start of
- Final
velocity, V – is the velocity of a body at the end of observation
- Average
velocity –is the average or mean between initial and final
velocity or is the ratio of the total displacement to the total time.
- Uniform
or constant velocity Is the one whereby the rate of change of
displacement with time is constant.
- Absolute
velocity is the actual velocity of a moving object recorded by a
stationary observer
- Relative
velocity is the velocity of a moving object recorded by a moving observer.
- Instantaneous
velocity is the velocity of a moving object recorded at any time.
Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity or is the
change in velocity per unit time Mathematically. Acceleration, a = (final
velocity, v – initial velocity, u)/time, t
Velocity Time-graph
Interpret velocity time-graph
This is velocity against time graph. Consider a body
accelerating uniformly from rest to a certain velocity v within time t. This
can be represented graphically as shown below;
- The
distance x moved by the body is given by the area under the curve.
- In this case is the area of triangle OBC.
- The acceleration is given by the slope of the triangle OBC.
The Acceleration of a Body
Determine the acceleration of a body
Example 1
A car starts from rest and accelerates to a velocity of
120m/s in one minute. It then moves with this speed for 40seconds finally decelerates
to rest after another 2 minutes. Calculate;
- the
distance travelled
- the
total time taken for the whole motion
- the
- the
average velocity
1st stage; acceleration u =0, v = 120m/s,t1 =1min=60s
2nd stage; uniform vel u=v=120m/s,t2=40s
3rd stage; Deceleration u=120m/s,v=0,t3=2min=120s
- 1st
stage; s =average vel x time = ( (120+0)/2)60 = 3600m
- 2nd
stage; s = vt = 120 x 40 = 4800m
- 3rd
stage; s = average vel x time = ((v=u)/2)t = ((120+0)/2)120 = 7200m
Total distance, s T =3600+4800+7200 =15600m
Total time taken = 60 + 40 + 120 = 220s
from v = u + at
120 = 0 + 60a
60a = 120
a = 2m/s.
Average velocity = total distance/time
va = 15600/220
va = 71m/s
The Concept of Retardation
Explain the concept of retardation
Deceleration (retardation) is the rate of decrease of
velocity or is the decrease in velocity per unit time. Uniform acceleration or
retardation Is the one whereby the rate of increase or decrease of velocity is
constant or it doesn’t change.
- when
a body starts from rest or is brought to rest, its velocity is zero
- when
the velocity of a body is constant or uniform, its acceleration is zero
- when
the velocity of a moving object increases, its acceleration becomes
- when the velocity of a moving object decreases, its acceleration becomes negative called retardation.
Equations of Uniformly Accelerated Motion
Equation of Uniformly Accelerated Motion
Derive equation of uniformly accelerated motion
There are three equations of motion;
Newton’s first equation of motion
It is given by; v = u + at
- a = accelerationv = final velocityu = initial velocityt = time taken
From the formula of acceleration; a = (v-u)/t
- at =
v – u at + u = v
- v =
u + at proved!
Newton’s second equation of motion
It is given by
- s=distance
- u=initial
- t=time
- a=acceleration
Suppose an object starts from rest with initial vel,u to
final vel,v after time t The distance ,S moved is given by S = Average vel x
time S =( (u+v)/2)t
Substitute Newton’s first eqn, gives; S = ((u+u+at)/2)t
S = ((2u+at)/2)t
S = ut + 1/2at. proved!
Newton’s third equation of motion
It is given by V2 = U2+ 2as
where v=final velocity; u =initial velocity; a =
acceleration; s = distance covered.
From Newton’s first equation; v = u + at
Equations of Accelerated Motion in Daily Life
Apply equations of accelerated motion in daily life
Activity 1
Apply equations of accelerated motion in daily life
Motion under Gravity
The Concept of Gravitational Force
Explain the concept of gravitational force
The acceleration of a free falling body is known as the
acceleration due to gravity denoted by g and controlled gravitational force of the earth.
When two bodies of different masses are released from a
certain height h above the ground, they will reach the ground at different
times with the heavier one reaching earlier before the lighter one.
The reason is that the air resistance is more effective on
lighter bodies than in heavier bodies, consequently this affect acceleration
due to gravity in a reverse manner.
But dropping a light object and a heavy object in a vacuum
they will reach the ground at the same time due to the absence of air
resistance effect.
Consider the following two cases;
Case I
Consider a body falling freely from a certain height h and
uses time t to reach the ground.
In this case: acceleration, a = acceleration due to gravity
Initial velocity, u = 0
Final velocity, v.
Case II
Consider a body thrown vertically upwards from the ground
with an initial velocity u to a certain height h and then comes back to the
ground after time t.
In this case;
- Acceleration,
a = -g
- Initial
velocity = u
- Velocity
at h = 0
- Final
velocity at the ground = v
Acceleration due to Gravity
Determine acceleration due to gravity
A simple pendulum is a small heavy body suspended by a light
inextensible string from a fixed support and it is normally used to determine
acceleration due to gravity.
It is made by attaching a a long thread to a spherical ball
called a pendulum bob. The string is held at a fixed at a fixed support like
two pieces of wood held by a clamp and stand.
If the bob is slightly displaced to position B,it swings to
and from going to C through O and back to B through O. When the pendulum
complete one cycle/revolution the time taken is called the period of
oscillation, T.
- Period
,T is the time taken by the pendulum bob to complete one complete
- Angular
displacement is the angle made between the string and the
vertical axis when the bob is displaced to a maximum displacement.
- Amplitude is
the maximum displacement by which the pendulum has been displaced.
- Length of
pendulum is the length of the string from the point of attachment on the
wooden pieces to the canterof gravity of the bob.
From the experiments, it has been observed that, changing
the weight of the bob and keeping the same length of pendulum, the period is
always constant provided that all swings are small though they may be different
in size.
The period T of the pendulum is given by;Where; l = length of pendulum; g = acceleration due to
It follows that if we plot a graph of l against T. it is
going to be a straight line with a slope g/4Π2and y –intercept equal
to 0.
When the bob is raised to point B it will gain potential
energy and the bob will swing due to the conservation of energy from potential
to kinetic energy.
- At B
and C all energy is P.E.
- At O
all energy is K.E.
- P.E
at B = K.E at O.
If the pendulum swung in vacuum the oscillations would have
been continuous. But practically, air friction causes losses of energy of the
pendulum bob. That is why after a certain time the oscillations cease.
The Application of Gravitational Force
Explain the application of gravitational force
Activity 2
Aim: Determination of acceleration due to
gravity by using the simple pendulum.
Materials and apparatus: A simple pendulum,
stand, clamps and stop watch.
- Tie
a piece of thread to a brass bob(about 100g)
- Suspend
a bob with a thread between wooden pieces by clamping them on to a stand.
- Pull
the bob slightly to one side and release the bob. Make sure the bob swings
50 complete oscillations.
- To
be more accurate, perform three measurements for each length l of the
- Repeat
the procedures with l = 60cm and 50cm.
- Record
the results as in the table below. -Plot the graph of l against T2
Length, l (cm)
Time for 50 oscillations.
T (s)
T² (s²)
t₁ (s)
t₂ (s)
t₃ (s)
The graph obtained will be a straight line through the
The slope of the graph is given by;From this equation, the acceleration due to gravity can be
computed easily.
1st law of Motion
The Concept of Inertia
Explain the concept of inertia
Inertia is the ability of a resting body to resist motion or
a moving body to continue moving in a straight line when abruptly stopped.
The more mass a body has, the greater its inertia and vice
versa is true.
Newton's First Law of Motion
State Newton's first law of Motion
Newton’s 1st law of motion states that “Everybody
will continue in its state of rest or of uniform motion unless an external force
acts upon it”
Verification of Newton's First Law of Motion
Verify Newton's first law of Motion
Activity 1
Aim: To verify Newton’s 1st law of motion.
Materials and apparatus: Glass, manila card and
small coin.
A small coin is placed on a manila card and the card is
positioned on top of the glass such that the coin is directly positioned over
the open mouth of the bottle.
Flick the card at C. Make sure that the card is not tilted
by moving the finger in the horizontal plane.
Observation: When the card is flicked away
quickly by finger, the coin drops neatly into the glass. The coin dropped into
the glass because there was no force applied on it when the card was flipped.
Conclusion: The coin continued to be at rest as
the card was flicked quickly. This experiment verify Newton’s 1st law of
2nd law of Motion
The Concept of Linear Momentum
Explain concept of linear momentum
Linear momentum of a body is the product of mass and
velocity of that body.
Momentum = Mass, m x Velocity, v
Hence P = mv
The SI Unit of Linear Momentum
State the SI unit of linear momentum
The unit of momentum is kilogram meter per second(kgm/s)
Linear Momentum
Determine linear momentum
When two bodies, a heavy one and the light one are acted
upon by an external force at the same time(collide) the light body builds up a
higher velocity than the heavy one but the momentum they gain remain the same
in both cases.
i.e Momentum before collision = Momentum after collision.
This is what we call the conservation of momentum and is described by Newton’s
2nd law of motion.
Newton's Second Law of Motion
State Newton's second law of Motion
Newton’s 2nd law of motion states that “The rate
of change of momentum is proportional to the applied force and it takes place
in the direction of a force”
Consider a body of mass, (m) acted by an external force (f)
from an initial velocity (u) to the final velocity (v) within a time interval
Change of momentum = mv – mu
Hence the Newton’s 2nd law of motion can be summarized as;
“The force is directly proportional to acceleration of
the object and the acceleration of the same body is inversely proportional to
its mass”
F α ma
F = kma but k = 1
Hence F = ma
If a mass of 1kg is accelerated with an acceleration of
1m/sÇ then the force of 1N is said to be acting on it.
Newton is the force which when acting on a body
of mass 1kg it produces an acceleration of 1m/s..
Verification of Newton's Second Law of Motion
Verify Newton's second law of Motion
A trolley experiences an acceleration when an external force
is applied to it. The aim of this datalogging experiment is explore the
relationship between the magnitudes of the external force and the resulting
Apparatus and materials
- Light
gate, interface and computer
- Dynamics
- Pulley
and string
- Slotted
masses, 400 g
- Mass,
1 g
- Clamp
- Ruler
- Double segment black card (see diagram)
Take care when masses fall to the floor. Use a box or tray
lined with bubble wrap (or similar) under heavy objects being lifted. This will
prevent toes or fingers from being in the danger zone.
- Select
the falling mass to be 100 g. Pull the trolley back so that the mass is
raised to just below the pulley. Position the light gate so that it will
detect the motion of the trolley soon after it has started moving.Set the
software to record data, then release the trolley. Observe the measurement
for the acceleration of the trolley.
- Repeat
this measurement from the same starting position for the trolley several
times. Enter from the keyboard '1'( 1 newton) in the force column of
- Transfer
100 g from the trolley to the slotted mass, to increase it to 200 g.
Release the trolley from the same starting point as before. Repeat this
several times. Enter '2' (2 newtons) in the force column of the table.
- Repeat the above procedure for slotted masses of 300 g and 400 g.
Conservation of linear Momentum
Difference between Elastic and Inelastic Collisions
Distinguish between Elastic and Inelastic Collisions
Elastic collision
This is the type of collision whereby each body moves with a
separate velocity after collision. In this type of collision both energy and
momentum are conserved.
Inelastic collision
Is the type of collision whereby all bodies move with the
same velocity after collision. This velocity is known as common velocity. In
this type of collision energy is not conserved, only momentum is conserved.
Impulse is the change of momentum which is given
as the product of force and the time taken to change momentum.
The Principle of Conservation of Linear Momentum
State the principle of conservation of linear Momentum
Principle of conservation of linear momentum states
that, “When two or more bodies acts upon one another; that is when
they collide their total momentum remains constant, provided that there is no
external force acting”
Momentum before collision = Momentum after collision
Consider two bodies of masses m₁ and m₂ moving with initial
velocities u₁ and u₂ and then move with final velocities v₁ and v₂ respectively
after they collide one another.
From the principle of conservation of momentum: Momentum
before collision = Momentum after collision
m₁u₁ + m₂u₂ = m₁v₁ + m₂v₂
The Principle of Conservation of Linear Momentum in Solving
Apply the principle of conservation of linear momentum in
solving problems
Activity 2
Apply the principle of conservation of linear momentum in
solving problems
3rd law of Motion
Difference between Action and Reaction Forces
Distinguish between Action and Reaction Forces
Consider a book of mass, m which is at rest on a table. This
book will exert on a table with a force equal to its weight. The table exert an
equal upward force.
The downward force exerted by the book(weight) on the table
is known as action force while the upward force exerted by the table on the
book is known as reaction force.
These two forces acts in opposite direction but they are
equal in magnitude.
Where; R = reaction, mg=weight of a book
Newton's Third Law of Motion
State Newton's third Law of Motion
Newton’s 3rdlaw of motionstates that “To every
action there is an equal and opposite reaction”
Application of Newton's Third Law of Motion
Apply Newton's third Law of Motion
The person firing a gun will feel the recoil when the bullet
leaves the gun.
Consider a gun of mass mg ejects a bullet of mass mb with a
velocity vb and the gun recoils with velocity vg.
From the principle of conservation of momentum:
Recoil momentum of gun = Momentum of bullet
mgvg =mьvь
Concept of temperature
The Term Temperature
Define the term temperature
Temperature is property of a body, which decides which way
heat will flow when it is placed in contact with another body.
The SI Unit of Temperature
State the SI unit of temperature
Temperature refers to the degree of coldness or hotness of a
body. The SI unit of temperature is Kelvin (K) known as absolute zero or
thermodynamic scale. Commonly in thermometers we encounter the unit Celsius
degree (0C) another scale is called Fahrenheit scale. Example of instruments used on measuring of Temperature figure below of Thermometers.
Figure of Thermometers.
Measurement of Temperature
Measurable Physical Properties that Change with Temperature
Identify measurable physical properties that change with
A reliable measurement of temperature is done by a thermometer.
Thermometers use measurable physical properties that change linearly with
temperature to give temperature reading.
Physical properties that change with temperature are called
thermometric properties of a thermometer which include the following:
- Expansion
of liquid when heated. E.g. Alcohol and mercury
- Expansion
of strip of two metals.
- Generation
of an electric current when heated
- Change
in resistance of a wire
The Fundamental Interval of a Thermometer
Define the fundamental interval of a thermometer
When you want to construct a thermometer you must establish
two constant temperatures called fixed points. The fundamental interval of
thermometer is the difference between the upper fixed point and lower fixed
The lower fixed point is the temperature of pure melting
ice. Note that impurities lower the melting point of ice.
The Mode of Action of Liquid-in-glass Thermometer
Describe the 'mode' of action of liquid-in-glass thermometer
The working of this type of thermometer is based on the fact
that liquid expands when heated and contracts when cooled. Examples of Liquid
in glass thermometers are mercury and alcohol thermometers.
These two thermometers are called
- Mercury
in glass thermometer
- Alcohol
in glass thermometer
These thermometers have bulbs, which are reservoirs of
liquid, and stems with fine bodies through which liquid rises and falls during
the variation of temperatures.
The liquid used in these thermometer types is called
thermometric liquids.
Comparison between the thermometric liquids:
i. It is good conductor of heat
I. It is fairly a good conductor of heat.
ii. It expands linearly
ii. It expands rapidly
iii. It is clearly seen
iii. It is colorless
iv. It boils at 3600c
iv. It boils at 780c
v. It freezes at 390c
v. It freezes at – 1120c
vi. It does not wet a glass
vi. It wets the glass
Why water is not used as a thermometric liquid
Even though water is very readily available and it is cheap
compared to mercury or alcohol, it is not used as thermometric liquid because:
- Its
volume expansion is not linear
- It
wets the glass
- It
has high heat capacity
The Temperature of a Body
Measure accurately the temperature of a body
A clinical thermometer is a typically a mercury in glass
thermometer used to measure human body temperature. As the temperature rises
the mercury expands and flows up the capillary tube. However, clinical
thermometers have some limitations, they are delicate and can break easily,
they may spread infection if not properly sterilized and they do not
necessarily reflect the core body temperature.
Sustainable energy, specifically renewable energy or green
energy, is an energy source which can be replenished, that is essentially
inexhaustible. Sustainable sources of energy include solar, wind, water,
biomass and geothermal. Non renewable energy sources include coal, oil and
natural gas.
Water Energy
The Generation of Electricity from Water
Explain the generation of electricity from water
Energy sources are areas of origin of a particular kind of
energy. There are two types of sources of energy namely:
- Renewable
- Non-
renewable sources
Renewable sources: These are the energy sources,
which can be turned into use again after being used. Example sun, water, wind
and fossils.
Non- renewable sources: These are the energy sources,
which cannot be turned into use again. Examples: oil, natural gas and charcoal.
Sustainable sources of energy: This refers to natural
resources that are used in the production of electricity without destroying the
environment. These include:
- Solar
- Wind
- Sea/wave
- Geo-thermal
- Tidal
Water energy refers to the energy obtained from
running water by use of turbines and generators. This energy is called
hydroelectric power.
Hydroelectric Power (H.E.P):This is electricity
produced by running water. Hydroelectric power stations provide about 20% of
the world’s electricity. In Tanzania, hydroelectric power stations/plants are
found at Mtera, Kidatu and Nyumba ya Mungu.
Production of hydroelectric power
First, a dam is built to trap running water. This is usually
in a valley where there is an existing lake. Water is allowed to flow through
tunnels in the dam, where they turn turbines, which in turn drive generator.
The generator then produces electricity from water energy.
Force of moving water thus turns the generators. Hydroelectric Power plants
have no fuel costs and gives off no waste.
- The
dam constructed is made much thicker at the bottom than at the top because
the pressure of water increases with depth.
- Hydroelectricity
produces no waste products.
The Importance of Water Energy
Explain the importance of water energy
Water energy has the following importance.
- The
energy is virtually available
- It
is environmental friendly
- It
is more reliable than other sources like wind
- Electricity
can be generated constantly
- The
energy increases power very quickly
Application of energy from water
- In
Industries - to drive machine parts
- Lighting
purposes for example in homes
- Heating
and cooking
- In
health facilities i.e. runs incubators and freezers.
A Model of Hydroelectric Power Plant
Construct a model of Hydroelectric power plant
Figure: of hydroelectric power plant
Solar Energy
Solar energy refers to the energy obtained from the sun by
the use of solar cells.
The Sun as a Source of Energy
Explain the sun as a source of energy
We consume energy in dozens of forms. Yet virtually
all of the energy we use originates in the power of the atom. Nuclear reactions
energize stars, including our Sun. The energy we capture for use on Earth comes
largely from the Sun or from nuclear forces local to our own planet.
Sunlight is by far the predominant source, and it contains a
surprisingly large amount of energy. On average, even after passing through
hundreds of kilometers of air on a clear day, solar radiation reaches Earth
with more than enough energy in a single square meter to illuminate five
60-watt lightbulbs if all the sunlight could be captured and converted to
The Conversion of Solar Energy to Electric Energy
Explain the conversion of Solar energy to electric Energy
The energy produced by the sun is more than we need. Solar
energy can be converted to electricity by using solar cells or photo voltaic
cells. The main surface of solar panel is dull black. This enhances the
absorption rate of the radiant energy from the sun.
Applications of solar energy
Solar energy has been harnessed by mankind and put to
several uses. Below are some of the applications of solar energy:
- It is
used in electric appliances such as television and radios
- For
lighting purposes
- Spaceship
satellites use solar cells
- Some
torches, cars and calculators are powered by solar cells
- Drying
of clothes and farm (food) products.
- Heating
water using a solar hot water system
Though solar cells are expensive, they are very useful in
remote and sunny areas.
A Model of Solar Panel
Construct a model of solar panel
A model solar panel.
Wind Energy
Wind as a Source of Energy
Explain wind as a source of energy
Wind energy refers to the energy obtained from wind. It can
be converted into electricity. Babylonians and Chinese used wind energy as a
source of energy to pump water for irrigation 4000 years ago.
Wind energy can be converted into electricity by building a
tall tower with a large propeller on top called windmill.
When wind blows, it rotates the propeller, which causes the
attached generators to produce electricity.
Note: for more electricity to be produced, more
properties are needed.
A Model of a Wind Mill. Figure below.
A Wind Mill in Daily
Application of wind energy
For centuries, people have been using the power of the wind
to move ships, boats and pump water.
Today, enormous wind energy is used to turn generators that
facilitate the production of power. As windmills are efficient, very large
turbines are required to providing the much-needed power.
Disadvantages of wind energy
- Wind
energy is not reliable
- Winds
are variables
- The
wind turbines are noisy and can spoil the landscape.
- Large windy sites are required
Sea Wave Energy
Sea Wave as a Source of Energy
Explain sea wave as a source of energy
The concept of sea water: Sea water around the world
is continually moving. The wind causes ocean waves as it blows across the sea.
These waves are powerful sources of energy. This can be used to drive
The concept of tides: Tides by definition are the
rising and falling of the ocean flow. Tides are produced by the gravitational
pull of the moon and to some extent the sun. The change of water levels that
the tides produce can be used as an energy source.
The concept of wave energy: There are several methods
of getting energy from waves.
The occurrence of waves in a swimming pool: Air is
blown in and out of the chamber beside the pool; this makes the water bob up
and down, causing waves.
The Conversion of Sea Wave Energy to Electric Energy
Explain the conversion of sea wave energy to electric energy
Electricity can also be generated from tides. As tide rises,
water is allowed to enter the upper basin in the dam. Once the high tide has
passed, the water on the upper basin is made to flow back to the lower basin
through turbines in the barrage. The turbine turns generators, which convert
seawater into electricity.
Water energy –is the energy obtained from running
water by use of turbine and generators
Sea wave energy –Is the energy obtained from the
series of swells of sea water.
Geothermal Energy
Geothermal as a Source of Energy.
The word “geothermal” means “Heat”, so geothermal energy is
the energy generated by the flow of heat from the earth’s surface. It is the
energy associated with areas of frequent earthquakes and high volcanic
Areas like Kilimanjaro and Oldonyo in Tanzania; and Rift
valley in Kenya are geologically well structured to produce efficient
geothermal system. The hot spring can cause rocks to be hotter than the earth’s
surface. Thermal energy is obtained from radioactive materials that naturally
occur in the rocks.
The energy produced can be used in:
- Heating
- Driving
- Heating water
- The Conversion of Geothermal Energy to Electric Energy
Explain the conversion of Geothermal energy to electric
Energy is obtained in the earth’s interior; it is necessary
to drill through rocks. This creates vents where pipes are laid to bring the
steam from the hot zone to the earth’s surface.
Once the steam has risen to the surface, it is directed into
turbines. The steam drives turbines, which again are used to drive electric
generators that produce electricity. example. the structure below.
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