The scramble for and partition of Africa took place in
the second half of the 19th century. The term “scramble” meant a great struggle
for colonies on the African continent amongst the European powers. The term
“partition” means the dividing up of the African continent amongst the
scrambling European powers.
The scramble for and partition of Africa was the
outcome of the activities of the missionaries, explorers, traders and the
chartered companies in Africa.
- The growth of European nationalism especially in Germany and Italy in 1870-1871 This was union of various small European states which were ruled by princes into bigger empires. In Germany the unification was made underCHANCELLAR OTTO VON BISMARK'
i. ii. Balance of power
The balance of power was disrupted by Franco- Prussian
war of 1870-1871 [was between France and Germany]. Germany rose to power after
defeating France and seizing her provinces like Alsace for production of coal
and Lorraine for iron. There after France began to scramble for colonies in
order to regain its power and compensate for the lost provinces.
- This unification made their countries to praise
their culture and declared a mission to civilize other cultures hence Germany
and Italy rushed to scramble for colonies in Africa.
ii. IV. Development of capitalism on Europe from
industries to monopoly stage in 1870’s this created the demand of;
New markets
More raw materials
Area to invest their capital
Cheap labour
Area to dump unemployed white men
National prestige
The possession of colonies was considered as a symbol
of greatness and respect. For example, Germany and Italy struggled for colonies
with the aim of acquiring national prestige.
Strategic importance of some areas in
the African continent, such as :-
Was scrambled for by British and France because of the
use of the Suez Canal as a short cut and getaway to the British colony of India
and the Indian Ocean where France monopolized sugar production.
South Africa
Because the British and the Dutch exploit Gold and
The Congo basin
Scramble for by Belgium, France and also Portugal because
of minerals like Gold and Copper.
Navigable Rivers, Fertile soil for production of
rubber and High population for creation of market labor
Niger Valley
European powers, French, British and German scrambled
for because of navigation, agriculture and high population.
Humanitarian reason
Has been given by European nation’s historians that,
they scrambled for the African continent in order to civilize African
Balance of power; before 1870 there were
stable powers for these European nations
especially France and Britain but the balance of power destructed or
disturbed by the Franco-Purssian war of 1870-71 when Germany defeated France
and took Alsaceand Lorraine. So through that Germany became stronger instead of
France which immediately began to scramble for colonies in order to regain its
power compensate for the lost provinces.
Other reasons
Berlin conference; this
conference stimulated the scramble for because each power exerted a colony
Role played by missionaries, explores
and traders.
Claims to stop slave
trade and spread.
for some areas in Africa to experience more intensive scramble than others, through
this shows that there were different areas which were scrambled for by European
powers, the reasons for some areas in Africa to experience more intensive
scramble than others are as follows: -
Ø Navigable water
Example Suez Canal and Congo Basin are some
areas which experienced more intensive scramble. For example, the Congo Basin
was scrambled for by Belgium, Britain, France and Portugal. And Suez Canal was scrambled for
by both the British and the French.
Ø Large population
These areas which were having large
population also experienced more intensive scramble example Congo basin had
high population for markets.
Ø Fertile land
These areas which seemed to have a
fertile land like Zimbabwe and some parts of Kenya like the kikuyu highlands
experienced more intensive scramble than other areas.
Ø Minerals
Minerals also made some areas in
Africa to experience more intensive scramble than others; For example, South Africa, this region was
scrambled by the Dutch(Boers) and the British. The Dutch landed at the cape
under the Dutch East India Company in 1962. In 1795 the British conquered the
Dutch East India Company at the Cape. After a while the Dutch-Boers migrated
Northwards during the Great Boers Trek. Eventually they settled in the Orange
Free State and Transvaal. The Orange Free State had diamonds which was
discovered in 1867 while Transvaal’s gold was discovered in 1885.
Generally, the Europeans only scrambled for areas with
those characteristics mentioned above. And these areas which were scrambled and
eventually partitioned by the Europeans, had economic importance to the
European powers.
The partition of East Africa become complete in 1890
after the Anglo German Agreement of 1890. There for, the partition of East
Africa brought the following effects.
I. It necessitated the calling of the Berlin
conference; this shows that after the scramble for and partition it was calling
for the Berlin conference which was led by the Germany counselor Bismarck so as
to make sure that they divide the African continent peacefully.
II. Led to the
occurrence of the 1st world war of 1914 because some imperialist nations, the
Germany were not satisfied with the number of colonies they had this caused
conflicts among the imperialist nations hence occurrence of both the 1 st and 2
nd world war.
III. Dar-es-
Salaam and Mombasa became as importation main parts for both British and
Germans. However, Dar-es-Salaam who custom Head house of German.
IV. From 1890 respectively Zanzibar and Uganda become
the British protectorates
VI. These treaties culminated in the prelude to
VII. Led to the
exploitation of natural resources in East Africa.
The Berlin conference was the meeting of European
powers which was held in Berlin the capital town of Germany from November 1884
to February 1885 at the invitation of Otto von Bismarck the chancellor of
Germany. The conference was attended by the 14 powers, where USA and Denmark
attended as observers.
The meeting was called at the time when Europe was at
the stage of monopoly capitalism/imperialism.
The objectives (Goals) of the conference were
To solve the Congo and Niger problems.
Need of Bismarck to diverge France’s interest from
France to Africa.
To develop Africa for imperialism.
To discuss views from different European nations on
how to abolish the slave trade in the African territories.
Figure: Berlin conference 1884-85
Figure: Berlin conference 1884-85
resolutions [agreements] of the Berlin conference [the principles reached were]:
1. Freedom of navigation
The conference declared that Congo, the Niger River
and other big rivers as free zones for international navigation i.e. Niger
River under the authority of Great Britain and Congo River under the authority
of Belgium.
2. Principle of effective occupation or control.
European power which claims to any part of Africa
would be recognized by the other powers if it was effectively occupied by such
European power lie under this clause. The claimants were supposed to develop
the areas through their missionaries trading companies’ explorers starting
plantations and other economic activities.
3. Principle of notification
Each power which claimed any part of African territory
was required to inform the other European power that had signed the treaty in
order to avoid crushes among themselves.
4. King Leopold was allowed to rule Congo, but the
Congo river was left to be a free zone for all nations. In this case the basin
was an international highway.
5. Abolition of slave trade. Each European power which
attended the meeting had to abolish the slave trade in African territory and
should further extend its sphere of influence from the coastal regions to the
internal land and draw political boundaries.
1. The Conference opened the interior of African land
for colonization.
2. it avoided the possibility of the emperior powers
to inter into war during the scramble for Africa.
3. It resolved the international rivalries that ivoted
in areas like Congo, Egypt and Nile.
4. It speeded the partition of Africa under the
principle of effective occupation.
3. The Conference highligtened the unity and degree of
cooperation among European powers.
6. It led to the setting of colonial boundaries in
African Continent.
1. The conflicts erupted between the religious groups
such as the CMS (the church missionary society) the Bangereza or British
participants. The white fathers (French Roman Catholics) or Bafaranca and
Swahili traders (coastal Arabs and Kiswahili traders) who were being supported
by the Kabaka and the traditionalists. The CMS entered in Buganda in 1877.
The white fathers in 1879 both needed to spread
Protestantism or Catholicism in Buganda. But they were opposed by the Muslims
Arabs who had warned the Kabaka about the dangers of European missionaries, to
respond Kabaka executed three believers of the CMS in 1885 including Bishop
2. In 1886 the government of the Kabaka killed about
30 converts at the court after refusing to drop their Christian faith as a
result the CMS appealed to the British and white
fathers to the French government to penetrate and
protect them hence the scramble for Africa.
3. An attempt to establish a Belgium empire from the
coast of East Africa to the Congo basin from 1876 to 1889 by sending
expeditions threatened the British and the Germans who were already in East
Africa. In 1876 king Leopard formed the international Africa association trade,
established Christianity civilization and control trade in the Congo region.
Britain and Germany immediately pushed for East Africa to avoid it from falling
under the control of king Leopold II of Belgium.
4. The need for raw materials and markets by Germany
and Britain made them scramble for colonies in East Africa. Both Germany and
Britain were industrialized countries demanding for raw materials, markets,
areas for investments and cheap labour of which could be obtained in Africa
hence the struggle to scramble for.
5. Trade. Both powers needed to occupy Zanzibar and
large parts of the interior for trading interests. Among the commercial
companies were such as the Germany with the company and the British East
African association of 1887 these companies competed with each other.
6. British rule over Zanzibar began in 1890, while in
Uganda and Kenya was in 1894 and was then refered as British East Africa).
7. Germany took Tanganyika including Dar es Salaam and
bought the Coastal 10 strips from Zanzibar.
8. Dar-es-Salaam and Mombasa became important main
ports and were linked with railway to the interior.
9. Two agreements (Anglo German of 1886 & 1890)
eliminated in the prelude to colonialism.
The powers signed two agreements or treaties which
I. The Anglo - Germany agreement or delimitation
treaty of 1886. In this agreement the two powers agreed on the following
A. They defined the islands of Zanzibar, Pemba, Mafia,
Kismay, Brava, Mogadishu and Warshekh as the dominions of the sultan of Zanzibar
plus 10mile coastal trip to Witu.
B. The region between the river Tana and river Ruvuma
was divided by boundary to the Umba River to Lake Victoria.
C. The Northern half of (modern Kenya) became a
British sphere of influence while the southern half becomes the Germany sphere
of influence.
D. Germany was given Witu the coastline of Kenya up to
Kipini river in Kenya.
Anglo-Germany treaty of 1886.
The rivalry between the two powers continued because
the western boundaries were not drawn between Tanganyika and Kenya. The
competition for the control of Uganda began due to its fertility, high
population and being the source of river Nile. Britain feared that if Germany
controlled Uganda her stay there would be in danger.
At the same time Karl Peter’s of Germany trade
treaties with Kabaka Mwanga and the chief Nabongo Sekwanga Mumia in western
Kenya, therefore the rivalry between them led to another agreement.
The Anglo-Germany agreement or the Helgoland treaty of
1. Germany continued to control Tanganyika and she
acquired ten miles’ coastal strip from the sultan of Zanzibar by buying the
area as compensation to the sultan for the possession, then the German
controlled ports of Tanga, Bagamoyo, Dar es salaam, Kilwa and Mikindani and
other parts of Tanganyika.
2. Germany recognized Uganda and Kenya as British
spheres of influence.
3. Germany lost the Witu which became under British
possession in Kenya. In compensation for Witu Germany was given Helgoland an
island off the coast of Germany in the North Sea to use it as a military base.
4. The western boundaries between Tanganyika, Uganda
and Kenya were defined. Uganda became a British protectorate.
The Anglo-Belgian treaty of 1891 defined the south
western Uganda. Therefore, Germany controlled Rwanda and Burundi.
Anglo-Germany treaty of 1890
5. Germany recognized Zanzibar as the British
protectorate and the rest of the sultan’s dominions.
Colonialism is the situation where by one country
dominates or rule another country socially, politically, economically and
Most African countries were colonized by European
countries after the Berlin conference except Ethiopia and Liberia. African
countries lost their independence, sovereignty and control over their own
matters after being colonized.
Therefore, during the imposition of colonial rule it
was not easy for colonialists to penetrate into the interior of Africa because;
1. Africans were not ready to be colonized.
2. Africans had their own systems of governance.
3. Africans had their own system of social, political,
economic and culture.
4. Africans had a strong leadership and army which
strongly protected their state etc.
Therefore, during the establishment of colonial rule colonialists
used the following methods/ tactics.
There are various ways or methods/tactics employed/
used by colonialist to impose/ establish colonial rule in Africa are as
Diplomacy method [signing of treaties]
The use of force [military conquest]
Alliance or collaboration
Administrative technique e.g. Direct rule,
indirect rule and Assimilation.
Ideological methods e.g. Introduction of
Western Education, Western civilization racism and introduction of
The use of infrastructures and
communication Media.
Economic technique e.g. Destruction of
Industries, this was done by importing ready manufactured goods from abroad e.g.
clothes, beards, wine.
The techniques/tactics / methods or ways mentioned
above were applied or used in imposing/establishing colonialism because; the
colonialist find some difficulties since Africans were not ready to be
colonized therefore they applied these tactics as follows;
This was another technique/ way or method of
imposing/establishing colonial rule where by colonialists united or cooperated
with some societies which had enmity by supporting one side to defeat the other
then colonize all together.
Despite of colonialists to use different rules/
methods/ tactics or techniques or ways to impose [establish] colonial rule;
Still during imposition of colonial rule in Africa, Africans reacted or opposed
colonialism because Africans were not ready to be under colonial control that
is why Africans imposed different reactions against colonialists.
This method was the method of signing bogus treaties
done by colonialist with African local rulers which cheated Africans to accept
colonial control.
African local leaders signed those treaties without
understanding their meaning because they did not know how to read and write.
After signing the treaties African local leaders would find their areas
colonized. For example; Karl Peters signed many treaties with chief Mangungo of
Msovero, Kilosa, Usangara and Uluguru. Stanley signed treaties with king
Lobengula of Ndebele [Zimbabwe]
The treaties signed by colonialist with African rules
were called bogus treaties because
There were two ways of reaction against imposition of
colonial rule and these were;
Collaboration [ alliance]
These two groups of reaction against imposition of
colonial rule depended on the following;
Ø .
The nature of population [African societies] for example the size of the
population, unity among the people etc.
Ø .
The nature of exploitation and oppression made Africans to use collaboration or
Ø The
military structure and the strength of the society.
Ø The
nature of the colonialists i.e. aggressive or friendly.
Ø The
level of interference in social, political and economic interest made Africans
to react or not.
Collaboration was a way of reacting against imposition
of colonial rule where by African societies cooperated with Europeans invaders.
African societies used the method to oppose colonial rule by welcoming or
making cooperation with the colonialists against indigenous [fellow] enemies
and conducting treaties so as to get support and preserve their interests
against their enemies.
Therefore, collaboration simply means, Africans welcomed
Europeans in order to get their support. For example, Maasai, Buganda and Lozi
collaborated with colonialists as the way to avoid their control.
Poor/weak military power
Some societies had poor military
power compared to the colonialists; therefore, they decided to cooperate with
them in the opposing manner.
Poor leadership
Some societies in Africa decided to
cooperate with colonialists because they had poor or weak leaders who were not
militant confident to fight against colonial rule.
To fight against their fellow Africans.
Some African societies collaborated
with colonial rule invaders so as to get assistance to fight their fellow
enemies who were strong militarily. For example, Sangu, Bena and Yao
collaborated with the Germany against Mkwawa of the Hehe.
. To get military/ weapon support.
African societies collaborated with colonialists
because they wanted to get strong military weapons to defend their territories
i.e. Nambongo Mumia of Wanga and Kabaka Mutesa collaborated with the British to
get strong arms.
Fear and to promote peace and harmony.
Some societies in Africa decided to cooperate with
colonialists due to the desire of maintenance of peace and harmony and avoiding
Ignorance of some Africans especially rulers [leaders]
who did not understand the mission [intention] of colonialists through given
gifts, fooled and persuaded them to sign bogus treaties
For example chief Mangungo of Msovero Kisola signed a bogus
treaty with Karl peters. King Lobengula of shone and Ndebele signed bogus
treaties with John Moffat
vii. Natural problems such as calamities/ disaster.
Some societies in Africa suffered a lot with natural calamities such as
drought, floods hunger etc. which made them weak politically hence
collaborating with the colonialists to get relief or assistance. For example,
the Maasai, the Chagga, the Kikuyu etc.
viii. The role of missionaries: - They played a great
role to soften the African mind by preaching them to be humble and obedient to
their masters, this lowered the African temper against colonial rule.
Resistance is the situation where by Africans fought
in order to oppose European invasion or colonial rule.
Or is the opposition against colonial rule or control.
There are two forms of resistance or reaction against
colonial rule employed/ applied by Africans and these are:
Ø Active
Ø Passive
is the form of resistance where by Africans took arms
to fight against colonial rule, or active resistance is the one which Africans
wage war to oppose colonial rule by destructing European properties like farms,
killing Europeans and so on. Eg of African societies which applied active resistance
against colonial systems were: Nyamwezi, under Isike, Hehe under Mkwawa and Yao
under Machemba.
Ø Strong
unity among the people.
Ø Good
war techniques.
Ø Presence
of strong/ good leadership e.g. Samori Toure and Mkwawa.
Ø Strong
Ø Strong
organizations/political systems.
Ø Powerful
socially and economically.
Is the form of resistance where by Africans did not
take arms in opposing colonial rule or cooperating with colonialists.
Passive resistance is unarmed or nonviolence
opposition against colonial control by refusing to pay taxes, production of
cash crops, denied to work etc. an example of a society which applied passive
resistance was Pogoro who refused to involve in colonial activities like cotton
picking in southern Tanganyika.
Ø Poor
unity among the people.
Ø Presence
of natural calamities for example floods, droughts.
Ø Poor
Ø Absence
of strong army; presence of weak army made some African societies to afraid to
Ø Weak
Ø Weak
social and political organizations.
Almost many African societies resisted against
imposition of colonial rule due to the following reasons:
Ø To
defend social and political sovereignty;
Many societies in Africa decided to
resist colonial rule because colonialist wanted to interfere their social and
political power. So African chiefs or leaders such as Mkwawa, Samora Toure and
Kaberege etc took army to fight against it.
Ø Interference
of trade
Africans resisted against imposition
of colonial rule because colonialists interfered with African trade monopolies
which made Africans harsh towards colonialists hence resistance.
Ø Interference
of cultures
African resisted against imposition
of colonial rule since colonialists wanted to interfere African culture such as
religion, language etc.
Ø Land
Africans resisted against imposition of colonial rule
because colonialists took African’s land as a result Africans took arms to
fight against this.
Ø Forced
Many African societies imposed to
resist once against colonial rule since colonialists forced them to work by
force without payment in colonial activities like farms, construction of BOMAS
etc. Examples of resistances were Majimaji, Nandi resistance, Chimulenga etc.
Ø Introduction
of taxation
Colonialists introduced different
heavy taxes such as head tax, cattle tax, hut taxand matiti tax where Africans
were forced to pay them as a result they resisted against the imposition of
colonial rule.
Ø Harsh
Ø Africans
were not ready to be colonized.
Ø Africans
resisted against the imposition of colonial rule because they were not ready to
be colonized since they had their own system of governance and administration.
Ø Beliefs
of political and military strengths.
African societies were believed that
they were powerful and strong in political and military as a result when
colonialist came they opposed against them for example chief Machemba of Yao
disobeyed Germany governor WISSMAN because he believed in his military power.
Ø Colonial
social segregation and discrimination.
Africans resisted against colonialist
because Africans were segregated, oppressed and discriminated by them and
treated as inferior in social, political and economic issues as a result Africans
resisted them harshly
Ø Alliance
/ collaboration between traditional enemies with the colonialists.
There are two main types of resistance namely:
Ø Small
scale resistance [ primary resistance]
Ø Large
scale resistance [secondary resistance]
Small scale resistance is the type of resistance which
fought for a short period of time over a small area or small group of people.
Small scale resistance normally covered a small area
fought on the basis of tribal lines occurred during penetration of colonialists
i.e. the Nandi, Hehe, Nyamwezi etc.
Small scale resistance was influenced by local rulers
[leaders] who organized their small groups of people to take army against
European invaders to defend their territories.
Ø The
Bunyoro Resistance [1893]
Ø The
Masai [Kenya Resistance 1895]
Ø The
Hehe Resistance [1891-1898]
Ø The
Nyamwezi Resistance [1891-1894]
Ø The
Yao Resistance [1888]
Ø The
Nandi Resistance
Ø The
Hehe Resistance [1891-1898]
HEHE resistance was a small scale resistance which
occurred in 1891-1898 fought against Germany under the leadership of MKWAWA.
HEHE resistance was a small scale resistance fought
between the HEHE tribe against Germany in 1891-1898 under the leadership of
MKWAWA. HEHE resistance was among of the strong and powerful resistance imposed
towards Germany colonial power since it fought for many years and brought a lot
of damages, sufferings and disturbances to Germany because HEHE tribe under the
leadership of MKWAWA had good war techniques inherited from the Ngoni tribe
such as cow horns, short stubbing spears and long hide.
Therefore, through good war techniques HEHE under
MKWAWA formed a strongest kingdom and resisted against Germany rule than the
rest resistance in East Africa.
Ø Germany harsh rule; Germany ruled Hehe very
harsh not respectful to the Hehe, they forced them to pay tax, to work and took
their land as a result the Hehe fought against the Germany
Ø Interference
of Mkwawa’s leadership, Germany wanted to control Mkwawa and forced him to
accept Germany control due to that Mkwawa disagreed to accept Germany rule.
Ø Interference
of culture; Germany interfered Hehe culture such as polygamy belief in many
systems etc. which made the Hehe under the Mkwawa harsh hence fight against
Ø To
protect political and economic interests.
Ø Killing
of the Mkwawa’s delegates. Germany killed Mkwawa’s delegates who were sent to
compromise as a result Mkwawa revenged by killing Germany commander known as
EMIL VON ZELEWSKY and 300 African soldiers as a result war started. The name
Mkwawa means conqueror of lands.
Ø Germany’s
occupation / control several areas in Tanganyika. Hehe under Mkwawa fought
against the Germans because they wanted to control Ugogo, Uluguru, Usagaraand
Mpwapwa which had 410 economic importance to the HEHE.
Ø Blocking
trade routes; Hehe resistance against Germany occurred following Mkwawa
blocking all Germany caravan routes passed his area which disrupted the Germany
trade hence conflicts started.
Ø Due
to the above reasons or causes of the Hehe resistance the war/fighting broke
out which took a long period of time. The Germany attacked Mkwawa in 1891
following the killing of the Germany commander Emil von Zelewsky at Lugalo.
In 1894 Germany attacked Mkwawa’s capital known as
Kalenga but Mkwawa succeeded to run away [escape] and started to fight the
In the same year 1898 Mkwawa while he was hiding
himself he became sick. The Germans approached where he was hiding Mkwawa did
not accept the shame of surrender to Germany while he was alive he shot himself
in July 1898 and died.
Nandi resistance was a small scale resistance fought
between the Nandi tribe in Kenya against British in 1896-1905 following the
British occupation or control over the Nandi’s land.
Nandi resistance was a small scale resistance occurred
in 1896-1905 when Nandi tribe in Kenya resisted against the British control
over their land organized by a leader known as KOITALEL and ORKOLYOT.
The Nandi resistance occurred since the British
invaded and occupied [control] the Nandi land by constructing [build]
telegraphic lines and railways along the Nandi rift valley land which were
fertile for crop production and livestock keeping. The Nandi were not happy for
the construction of that railway lines and termed or called ”Iron snake”.
they started the resistance by attacking the British military position,
uprooting and cutting wires, attacking the British caravan trade, raiding the
railway deposits etc.
The Nandi did that because they believed that they had
the superior weapons and military to fight British as they conquered the
neighboring territories.
Ø The
pressure from Kimnyoles prophecy; the Nandi decided to fight against the
British because of the prophecy of the Kimnyole who foreseen the coming of
foreigners on their land which made the Nandi to fight against the British after
they arrived on their land.
Ø Introduction
of the railway lines along the Nandi land. Nandi resisted against British
because British constructed a railway line on the Nandi land which they defined
on it for farming and livestock keeping.
Ø Land
problems or alienation. British took Nandi’s best and fertile land and gave it
to the white’s settlements as a result the Nandi fought against them.
Ø The
Nandi’s pride. The Nandi fought against the British because they believed that
they were superior, strong and powerful socially, economically, politically,
militarily and culturally hence did not want to be controlled.
Ø The
killing of the Nandi leader KOITALEL; Nandi’s resisted against the British
following the killing of their leader known as Koitalel when he was called in
the meeting of stopping the resistance.
Ø Nandi
resistance led to the introduction of cheap labour, since those Nandi people
had decided to be employed as cheap labours to the British settle farms.
Ø Over
grazing of some area. Nandi resistance led to the environmental degradation
since the area which the Nandi pushed or migrated were not enough for cattle
Ø The
death of people. Nandi resistance led to the massive loss of people’s lives
including leaders such as Koitalel, Orkolyot and other warriors.
Ø British
colonizing the Nandi land. The British defeated the Nandi during resistance as
a result they took the Nandi land and made the Nandi to lost their sovereignty.
Ø Destruction
or damage of properties. The Nandi resistance led to the destroying of people’s
properties including land, railways, telegraphic lines, killing of livestock,
houses etc.
Ø Hunger
and famine. Nandi resistance led to the occurrence of hunger [food shortage]
since resistance took many years and farms and cattle were killed during the
Ø Migration
of people. The Nandi resistance led to the restless of people because during
and after the resistance people run away or migrated to other areas.
Ø Land
alienation. Nandi resistance led to many Nandi people to remain landless since
after the resistance British took Nandi’s fertile land.
Nyamwezi resistance was a small scale resistance
against the Germany rule organized by Nyamwezi under their leader known as
chief Isike in 1891-1894. The Nyamwezi resistance occurred as a result of
German’s monopolization over Nyamwezi’s trade and passed through their land
such as Ujiji and Mwanza which broke their first good trade relation.
The Nyamwezi started resistance under their leader
chief Isike in 1891 in order to avoid the Germany control; but due to poor
weapons the German attacked Isike’s fort and destroyed it. Chief Isike decided to
blow up [kill himself] together with his family in the gun powder magazine
rather than being captured by Germany.
The influence from Isike leadership. Isike was
regarded as strong and powerful leader so he organized his people to fight
against German rule.
The land conflicts. Germany wanted to control the
Nyamwezi’s land as they did in other areas in Tanganyika as a result Nyamwezi
resisted against the German control.
Poor fighting techniques.
Poor war organizations etc.
Absence of strong army.
Poor weapons.
Disunity among the people.
YAO RESISTANCE [1890-1899]
YAO resistance was small scale resistance which fought
between the YAO against the Germans in 1890-1899 under the leadership of Chief
The Yao resistance was an active resistance since
Machemba organized his people actively and was able to defeat three Germany
companies sent to him. After machemba to defeat Germany companies; the German
Governor forced Machemba to leave his place but he refused as a result German
took up army against machemba and attacked Machemba’s fort in 1899. Machemba
managed to escape into Mozambique and left his fellow imprisoned as a result
the Yao resistance failed hence Germany took control over the Yao‘s southern
region of Tanganyika.
Ø Interference of Yao’s territory. The Germany
wanted to control the Yao’s territory which made Yao under Machemba to fight
activity against it.
Ø The conflict between Machemba and the Germany.
Machemba defeated three German companies as a result German took up army to
Ø Machemba’s
rejection to surrender. The Germany forced Machemba to surrender by leaving his
place to the coast as a result Germany waged for the war.
Ø Introduction
of taxes.
Ø Forced
labour. The German forced Yao to work without or with low payment as a result
people took up arms against Germany.
Ø Abushiri
and Bwana Heri resistance was a small scale resistance which occurred along the
coastal region of Tanganyika where by rich Arabs and local traders organized to
fight against the British and the German interference on their trade in
RESISTANCE 1905-1907
It is not possible to recognize any simple pattern in
African resistance to European rule. Samori fought a long defensive battle
against the -French. Lobengula saw the futility of military resistance. People
such as Nandi reacted immediately in violent manner to the British advance.
Other groups, having failed to put up much of a resistance at first; were
persuaded to rebel against the European later. Often a rekindling of
traditional religious belief was combined with armed rebellion. An example of
such a revolt was the Maji-Maji Rising of 1905-1907 in Tanzania.
The Majimaji resistance broke out in the southern
Tanganyika against the German control. This is a large and popular African
uprising in Africa. The term "Majimaji" is derived from Swahili word
"Maji" which -means water. Majimaji was magic water drawn from river
Rufiji and mixed up with maize and millet flour after mixing up the water was
thrown on the various fighters so as to protect them from German bullets in
war, The leader of the Maji maji uprising was known as Kinjekitile Ngware, who
lived at Ngarambe in Southern Tanganyika. He organized his followers 'and began
to fight in July 1905, the Matumbi of Nandete in Rufiji were the first to take
up arms.
Majimaji uprising was highly mobilized and its
followers possessed courage as well as determination against the German rule in
Tanganyika. It took a wide coverage' and speeded very fast from Matumbi of
Nandele in Rufiji to other areas like Uluguru, Masasi, the Makonde plateau,
Songea, the Kilombero Valley, North Dar es Salaam and the Mahenge plateau. In
these areas African communities such as Zaramo, Ngoni, Bena, Mwera, Ngindo;
Pogoro, Mbunga, Ndendeule and Luguru united together to fight against German
of Majimaji Resistance
(i) The forced cotton growing that was ordered by the
German government in 1902. The Akidas were ordered by the governor to establish
cotton plots where African communities of southern Tanzania had to work with
little pay or provide a free labour, they also worked under inhuman. This situation
dissatisfied the people and decided to take up arms against Germans.
(ii) Forced labour was another African grievance.
Africans were forced to work on railway construction as well. as settler
farms.: Africans were humiliated by the Germans and friends while working.
Generally, the colonial treatment towards Africans was inhuman.
(iii) The imposition of heavy taxes and fines on
Africans by he Germans. 'the taxes were unfair and had to be paid in the form
of money. For example, the tax imposed for hut was to be paid in form of money
for about three rupees. But Africans did not have money; the only way of
getting money was through selling labour power to the Germans to earn money to
pay different taxes imposed. The collection of tax aimed at raising the revenue
for the colonial administration but this system was new to the Africans. They
were also discontented because the colonialist used their land for production
while at the same time forced them to pay taxes.
(iv)The Germans disregarded African traditional
beliefs .and practices, such as dances and circumcision. They overlooked the
African religious leaders and condemned sacred places as the areas of African
witchcraft. The disruption of traditional practices disappointed the Africans
thus decided to stage resistance against Germans.
(v) The hostile and harsh treatment of the people by
the German appointees, such as the Akidas. Akidas and their local police
treated African people brutally. Their ruthless ruling system also discredited
Africans hence lived like slaves.
(vi) African people wanted to regain their lost
independence. Most of the young men felt that they had lost their manhood. by
submitting to the Germans. The German occupation at the initial stage involved
different ways which resulted into disunity among the Africans. Later Africans
realized the need to unite together so as to-fight against common enemy, that
is, German foreigners.
(vii) Africans wanted to oppose adultery, rapping and
fornication exercised by German mercenaries and their house boys. These
practices were crimes to African communities and the offenders had to be
punished. This was predominant among the Ngindo communities. But the Germans
and their house boys exercised all the practices that were regarded as crimes
and disregarded the Ngindo taboo. The local communities, especially the Ngindo,
were discontented with these events hence took up arms against Germans.
(viii) The Ngoni people wanted to revenge for the
killings of 1898. During the initial stage of imposing German rule, a large
-number of Ngoni people were murdered and their properties destroyed or taken
by German forces. This event created bitterness, hence resulting into taking up
of arms by Ngoni’s against Germans.
(xi) The influence of Kinjekitile, who was an.
effective leader with ability of organizing people, instilled confidence in the
African people by requesting them to unite and take up arms against the German
invaders. The Kinjekitile's force believed that they would be immune to German
bullets as the water sprinkled on them would turn the bullets into water. The
Majimaji resistance ended in. 1907 and African forces were defeated by the
Germans. Many fighters were killed and those who survived lost the hope as the
'magic' water had failed to protect them from German bullets. Most of the
fighters escaped to Mozambique, many were hanged while others surrendered to
the Germans.
for African Defeat
(i) Africans employed poor weapons such as arrows,
spears and outdated guns
against their enemies who used superior automatic
machines like machine guns. They also lacked fighting skills and were poorly
organized as opposed to their counterpart, the Germans, who were well trained
and organized.
(ii) The Germans were supported in many ways, such as
weapons and mercenary soldiers from Sudan, Germany, New Guinea, and Somalia.
All these reinforced the Germans and led to emergence of large army, which
could attack Africans strongly and effectively.
(iii) The Africans lacked military communication
infrastructures. They failed to communicate between one ethnic group and
another. Every ethnic group fought in isolation in different areas and their
leaders had different motives and grievances.
(iv) Failure of magic water 'Majimaji' to turn German
bullets into water and protect the African fighters. A large number of the
warriors were killed during the war hence others lost faith over their
(v) The Majimaji uprising covered a small area, hence
failing to cooperate a number of African powerful communities, like the
Nyamwezi and Hehe in the interior. These powerful communities could bring
support to African forces.
(vi) The effect of scorched-earth policy employed by
Germans. This policy involved destruction of African residences and destroying
crops and property/ thus famine caused deaths among –the African fighters since
many of them were starving.
Impacts of Majimaji Resistance
(i) The Majimaji resistance made Germans ruler to
reform their administration so as to avoid, another uprising in Tanganyika.
These reforms were made under Governor Lord Rothenberg. They also changed their
attitudes towards Africans. Governor Rothenberg introduced some important
measures to improve Africa services, like education and health, farming and
communication system. He also rejected extra taxation of Africans and abolished
corporal punishment, The Governor recognized traditional chiefs, stopped forced
labour and began to punish German settlers who mistreated the African workers.
(ii) It brought together many African communities such
as Ngindo,Zaramo, Ngoni and Matumbi to resist against the European invaders
(iii) It led to the destruction of properties
since the Germans used the scorched-earth policy which
involved burning of villages and crops in all areas with African forces.
(iv) A large number of Africans lost their lives. It
is estimated that between 75, 000 and 120, 000 Africans, including their
leaders and soldiers, were killed by the German forces while other people died
of diseases and starvation. A large part of the southern Tanganyika became
(v) The Majimaji resistance led to the emergence of
severe famine since the German soldiers destroyed farms and granaries during
the war. This period of famine was known as funga period among the people of
south eastern Tanganyika.
(vi) The majimaji resistance led to the displacement
of many African families during the war. Due to fear and insecurity, many
people escaped to different directions to look for other areas of settlement
where they thought to be peaceful. The war also influenced family separation
among the African communities.
(vii) The war laid the foundation for nationalism in
Tanganyika, because after the uprising Africans learnt a lot and adopted a new
method of resistance against colonial in Tanganyika and disregarded their ethnic
(a) Reaction to French Invasion Senegambia
French military conquests in West Africa, were first
directed against Senegambia during the rule of Mohmadou Lamine, and against
Guinea then under Samori Toure. The major aim of the French was to capture the
trading centers of Western Sudan and the strategic area between Upper Senegal
and Niger. They had already built warehouses and fortresses along these rivers
to control trade in palm oil, groundnuts, and gold from the interior. However,
the power base of African ruling classes lay in the control of this trade. This
was one of the factors of the conflict between the French imperialists forces
and the African rulers.
The French employed a number of techniques to conquer
the territory One of this was to- utilize existing local differences, or to
initiate new conflicts between African ruling groups. To be able to conquer
Senegambia, the French formed alliances with the empires of Tukulor under
Sheikh Ahmaddu, Bandu Empire under Umar Penda and Khasso under Luku Sambala. In
so doing the French managed to' conquer and subjugate the weaker states.
(b) Reaction to French Invasion of Guinea
Samori Toure of Guinea illustrates for many people the
courage and determination of African resistance to European conquest. Samori
Toure was successful for sixteen years in preventing his own state from being
colonized by the French. Although he was ultimately defeated, the duration of
his resistance was in itself a victory, which can only be understood by looking
back to the earlier period of his life.
Samori Toure was born into a Malinke family, the first
child of a -farmer who had strongly family connections with the Dyula, the
trading community of the Malinke people. The Dyula lived in the great
commercial centers on the northern edge of the West African forest belt
separating the inland regions from the Gulf of Guinea. They were also very
famous in the commercial centers along the trans-Sahara trade routes such as
Timbuktu, Taghaza and Walata. Commodities such as cloth, iron tools and salt
were carried by the Dyula merchants and exchanged with forest products such as
palm oil, kola nuts, and ivory. Fire arms also occupied a very important
position in-this trade
At the age of eighteen he asked to be released from
his duties on the farm and be allowed to join the Dyula. For about five years
he built, up strong, business and made many contacts throughout the Western
Sudan. This life was interrupted in 1852 when his mother 'was made captive by'
Soni 'Birama, the King of Bisandugu.Samori offered his services as a soldier to
Soni Birama in return for his mother's freedom.
Samori's power and leadership attracted many followers
and within a few years he found that he was strong enough to be independent of
Soni Birama, He set out to control the whole of Malinke land and thus to
maintain peace, law and order. He was joined by many minor leaders and
supported, by his family.
By 1879 his territory had stretched from Sierra Leone
'to the Ivory Coast in the West from Bamako in the north to the Liberian
borders in the south. His authority was based more on his military power than
on his religious leadership. His arm was composed of young captive r, soldiers
trained mostly as foot soldiers-the infantry. His army could have at total of
ten or twelve thousand fully equipped soldiers.
Samori determined to defend commercial centers and the
trade routes, always sought to acquire and maintain regular supplies of
firearms, ammunitions and horses for his army. He was helped by the Dyula
merchants in this endeavour. The merchants obtained the firearms through trade
with European merchants. Samori further maintained a group of skillful
craftsmen who repaired and even made guns.
In 1882, French forces of occupation started advancing
towards Bamako. They demanded that Samori should keep away from the large
Bambara and Mandingo markets. Samori rejected the demand and managed to keep
the French off up to 1890. From 1891 to 1898 Samori conducted guerrilla warfare.
He organized an excellent system of military intelligence to spy on enemy troop
Why Samori Toure Fought Against the French (1891-1898)
(i) The French activities of selling arms to Samori's
enemies, such as Tieba of Sikasso alarmed Samori Toure. The French' aimed at
weakening the Mandika so as to acquire it smoothly.
(ii) Samori Toure was shocked by the failure of his
plan of playing off the British against the French. He had signed an agreement
with the British on non-interference in each other's sphere of influence.
Unfortunately, the British refused to support Samori against the French.
(iii) Samori Toure wanted to protect the independence
of his empire. The use of force by the French in acquiring colonies could not
be tolerated by Samori Toure
(iv)The French wanted to conquer Mandika when Samori's
empire had reached at its peak with military supremacy and economic prosperity.
The French therefore threatened Samori's territorial expansion into areas which
they claimed belonged to them.
(v)Samori wanted to safeguard trade. He was determined
to, defend commercial centres and the trade routes and maintain regular
supplies of firearms.
Reasons as to why Samori Toure Managed to Contain
(Fight) the French Forces for so long?
(i) Strong army. Samori Toure had established strong
army of approximately 12,000 men and about 90,000 reserves. He had a standby
army, trained military men who could be taken in emergence, cases to help the
permanent army.
(ii) Modern weapons. Samori Toure had 'excess to modern
arms that he had acquired from the coastal traders' that he had been friend
with them. Samori Toure had established friendship with the coastal traders for
quite some time. lie also had military workshops which supplied him with
weapons and repaired his defected weapons.
(iii) Samori Toure had a lot of wealth from trade in
slaves, gold and colanuts, which was utilized in rewarding his workers and
soldiers for their services.
(iv) Some of the Samori soldiers had served in the
French-army where they had acquired modern military techniques and so were able
to respond effectively to the invaders. These soldiers passed those skills to
the rest of the Army.
(v) He was determined to maintain and preserve his
independence in the eyes of Europeans advance. This motivated him to resist for
a long time.
(vi) Samori Toure established state control of
agriculture -and markets to ensured regular food supply for the army.
Availability of food to the soldiers encouraged them to fight for long time.
(vii) The use of guerrilla or commando tactics of
surprise ambushes and right raids. This' helped Samori Toure occasionally to
win the war. 'The French soldiers found the Mandika people too difficult to
(viii) He used scorched earth military technique such
as burning villages and destroying crops in order to make the French starve
when they reached the area.
(ix) Samori Toure got support from the Mandika people
in national war of defense. This support helped Samori Toure to resist for a
long time.
Why Samori Toure was Finally Defeated?
(i) Anglo-French conspiracy. Between 1889 and 1890
Samori had reached an agreement with the British to supply arms to Samori's
armies up to 1896. But in 1896 the British breached the treaty by occupying
Sierra Leone thus blocking Samori's access to arms supplies. In the same year
British forces occupied the Gold Coast making it impossible for Samori to form
a military alliance with Ashanti.
(ii) Shortage of military weapons. Surrounded by
enemies, Samori doubled efforts to manufacture arms within his empire. However,
these were not sufficient for the' ever-increasing war demands. In 1889 the
French managed to defeat Samori's forces. Samori was captured and exiled to
Gabon where he died two years later.
(iii) Disunity among rulers. The resisters were unable
to unite together as their enemy was common. Samori sought alliance with AImed
Seku of Tukola and Tieba of Sikasso with no success. In fact, these rulers even
assisted the French in defeating Samori.
(iv) A disciplined and well organized army helped to
defeat Africans. The colonial armies were better trained and more experienced
in strategy and tactics. Hence the armies led by Samori Toure did not stand a
chance. Thus the Africans were taught a lesson, that those "modern"
societies with institutionalized war and professionalism in modern fighting
could never be defeated by warfare.
(v) The Europeans wanted to preserve their new
acquired economic positions and that made them fight at all costs, ruthlessly
and untiringly.
(vi)Instability and public misery were also a major
factor in defeat. The wars of resistance of Samori Toure were fought with
bitterness which culminated into greater devastation. Villages were set on
fire, farmlands destroyed animals looted. This ended up with loss of property,
year and famine and stirred up local resistances.
Lack of support from communities. The non- Mandika
communities and non- Muslims in the empire did not give him full support
because they had been mistreated during his leadership. Some decided to support
the French forces against him.
The Mashona - Matebele (Chimurenga) Uprising in
Zimbabwe (1896-1897)
The whites created their settlement in Mashonaland in
1890.They thought that the Shona might thank the whites and were grateful to
them since they could protect them against their traditional rivals, the
Ndebele. But the matter was not so. The whites had misconceptions about the
Ndebele, for they thought that with the fall of Lobengula, the son of Mzilikazi,
the Ndebele power was completely dwarfed and could not stage war. As a result,
in 1896, the whites were caught by surprise, for there was a more or less joint
uprising between the Shona and Ndebele. In April 1896, the Matebele started a
war that spread like summer fire to the Mashona tribe. In June of the same
year, the war broke out in Mashonaland. The war was motivated by outstanding
political, social, and economic dissatisfactions against the white men.
The Causes of the Uprising
Land expropriation: The B.S.A.C. and the whites
confiscated and gave the white settlers the better and more fertile land of the
Mashona without consulting the local chiefs, for formerly land was considered
the property of the community and it was the chiefs' duty to distribute lands.
On the other hand, the Ndebele were pushed into the reserves of the Shangani
and Gwani, which had water shortages and were infested with tsetse flies
respectively. Worse still, the Ndebele's population was too high to inhabit
this barren land. The situation was as the nduna Gambo said One cause of
dissatisfaction and unrest is that after we have lived many years in a spot, we
are told that the white man has purchased it and we have to go" to
reserve. That incited the people to
Forced labour: The prevalent policy of the whites was
to compel Africans in both Matebeleland and Mashonaland to supply labour. The
commissioner in each district was given power to compel chiefs to offer
labourers in mineral and farm circles. All able-bodied men had to work
regardless of their former status in the society. This was done against their
will. Labourers were recruited by armed forces or by police who went around
into villages to seize people by force.
Harsh treatment: The 1893 Mashonaland and Matebeleland
situation was as Sir Martin Richard I, the resident commissioner, said:
"The system was no better than slavery." The employers and native
commissioners used the Sjambok, a kind of whip, to
mistreat the local people. The elderly people were flogged and killed in
public, and the conditions in the mines were deplorable.
Taxation policies: In 1894, the Hut Tax was
introduced. Some of the Shona chiefs and their subjects refused new laws
introduced by the colonial administration as well as the British technique of
collecting taxes. There were also cases of officials' grabbing cattle, goats,
and grains from the people who could not manage to pay taxes. Tax defaulters
were crucified and at times jailed without trial or inflicted to manual labour;
thus, the nature of taxation policies, plus other discontents, prompted the
Chimurenga uprising.
Low wages: Because the Africans were subjected to
forced labour in mines and on white farms, while they were lowly paid as return
for their toil under atrocious conditions, including the nature of the work and
long working hours. Interference in the Shona trade: The desire of the B.S.A.
company to monopolise trade in Mashonaland contributed to the uprising. The
Shona had for a considerable length of time developed a trade relationship with
the Portuguese for which they sold gold-dust, ivory for guns, and other cheap
manufactured products. The British, however, intended to possess that
commercial activity by force in which they wanted the Shona sell and buy from
South Africa. Worst still, the company wanted to control gold mining and not in
buying gold from Africans. Since the Shona failed to man the situation, war was
the only option. The Ndebele were also disturbed by the whites' confiscation of
their trade links, however local and insignificant they were.
The abolition of induna age regiments among the
Matebele: The Matebele were made to suffer socially and psychologically.
Military towns were outlawed and the Ndunas were deprived their power,
importance and position. Above all, it was embarrassing for the British to
nominate the Shona policemen to enforce law and order in Ndebele areas. Such
social grievance, coupled with other factors, helped to excite the Ndebele
community into the uprising.
Favoritism: The colonial government elevated
injustices in both the Shona and Ndebele societies. There was very little
justice bestowed on the African people. Most often, the colonial government
gave positions of responsibility to people who were untrained, unsuited, and
unaccepted by the people. The administration even enacted laws that protected
the white population against the Africans. For instance" the whites had
fair punishments in comparison to those of the blacks. The
traditional chiefs, who had yielded great powers, were
saddened when reduced to the lot of commoners. The foreign police were given
the responsibility to ensure observance of law and order and maltreated the
Loss of cattle: Cattle were the backbone of people's
livelihood. It is believed that Lobengula possessed 250,000 cattle before his
death. The Ndebele were only permitted to keep 40,930 out of the total number,
and t many of them were offered to the volunteers or to the B.S.A.C. The others
were dispatched to South Africa. Worse still, there was a render pest outbreak
in 1895 killed nearly two million cattle. On a sadder note, it was portrayed
that some animals were shot dead on the
command of the white man. Due to this grievance and
others, war was unavoidable,
Renderpest calamities in association with the white
man's presence: The Render pest epidemics and swarm of locusts that invaded had
dismantled food crops. Traditional religious leaders said that the
Render pest occurred due to the presence of the white
men. The word spread that the ancestral spirits were angered with the presence
and activities of the white men. In this process, the local population was
provoked and finally they joined the war of resistance.
Missionaries disregarded the traditions and customs of
the Shona - Ndebele people: It has been argued "the missionaries failed to
understand the attachment the Shona had for their traditional religion and
their own form of government". In Matebe1eland, the missionaries wanted
the Ndebele to alter their culture, ignoring especially their religion based on
the Mwari cult. That was the reason probably why the mission stations were
attacked during the uprising.
Desire for their lost independence: It encouraged
hostility on the part of the Ndebele to dismantle their monarchy. The Ndebele
people resisted in the hope of repossess their lost independence. None of the
Nduna was appointed in any responsibility of administration, and as regards the
Mashonaland, the white men had dominated even the chiefs' power to chastise the
wrongdoers. Their own discipline was extremely brutal. The uprising therefore
wanted to re attain the pre- colonial administration.
Jameson's raid: For long time, dissatisfactions among
the Shona - Ndebele people were piling up accumulating, but hardly ignited the
war. The immediate cause of the uprising was the Jameson's raid. In December
1895 Dr. L.S. Jameson commanded a party of policemen to capture and defeat
Transvaal for Cecil Rhodes. The Boers however, decisively overpowered him. To
avoid the shame, Jameson was returned to Britain. This was clear sign to the
Ndebele that even the British were weak and could be subdued like other African
tribes. Hence, the Shona and Ndebele adjudged to attack British. After seeing
that they were not unbeatable. The uprising ended in 1897, but with a
number of repercussions. The Africans who were
fighting to repossess their independence achieved little success. Nevertheless,
the Ndunas' importance was considered after the 1893 war and they were
appointed as officials in colonial administrative structures and were to given
The Course of the War The Mlimo cult and the medium
spirit leaders mobilized the people in the uprising. The Matebele mobilized the
Mkwati and Siginyamotsha, who had been most active. The Mashonaland, Banda, and
Ishiwa grouped the Shona into military regiments .
The Ndebele chief priests, Ungulu, and Lobengula's
son, Nyamanda, enspirited the Ndebele uprising. Women, children, men, young and
old fight and get rid off the white men from their land. The African warriors
organised the war and took the whites by surprise and it costed the whites'
lives. By 1897, the whites with the new coordination and tactics and defeated
the Ndebele and finally the Shona.
Consequences of the Chimurenga Uprising The Chimurenga
warriors were taught bitter lesson and many of them died during the
The BSAC administration incorporated and expropriated
more fertile land and cattle as war indemnity.
The company administration received much criticizism
from the colonial office for mistreatments of the natives. Then Cecil Rhodes
guaranteed to make changes in governing the Matebeleland.
The Ndebele were redistributed new lands in the
lowlands where they lived happily unperturbed by the company and European
The Ndebele indunas were considered and employed in
various administrative positions under the BSAC administration.
Most of the educated Ndebele were given
responsibilities as administrators in Mashonaland.
Mashonaland and Matebeleland were allocated to Most
European settlers created their settlement in the fertile land that formerly
belonged to Shona and Ndebele.
Many Africans adopted Christianity due to the
inability of Mwari cult and the Chanimuka (medium spirit) to defeat the
Because of the failure in war the Mwari cult leaders
could no longer command popularity in the eyes of a rising number of people
abandoning traditional religion and adopting Christianity.
The confrontations witnessed the unification of
traditional foes against the shared enemy, a cohesion that was exploited well.
The Ndebele's claims were recognized and were given
worthy treatments from the whites, because the Ndebele looked for peace while
the Shona persisted in war.
The Nama and Herero uprising 1904- 1907 (Namibia)
The German occupation and imposition of its colonial
rule in Namibia met with a limited success in the 1880s and 1890s. The region
was inhabited by three main ethnic groups; the first and second group comprised
Bantu people of Ambo and Herero who engaged in crop cultivation and livestock
keeping. The other group comprised the Nama who were Hottentots and engaged in
Pastoralism. Both groups depended on land for cultivation and pasture, The
history of Namibia in the nineteenth century was characterized by intense
conflicts between the Nama and Herero who angered in Pastoralism and hunting.
After the arrival of Europeans, the conflict was intensified since this
foreigner' s used the. rivalry for their benefit. The Herero welcomed Germans
who offered them a treaty of-protection and proposed to help them against the
Nama. But this German and Herero alliance was opposed by the Nama leader
Hedrick Witbooi since he understood the nature and real aims of Germans.
Chief Hedrick Witbooi realized that the Herero Chief
could become just a mere subordinate chief under the German government The Nama
and Herero rivalry threatened the German missionaries. Later on, in 1884, the
Germans declared a protectorate over Namibia; they also occupied the region
effectively. The German government introduced the settler policy between 1884
and 1904 which affected both the Nama and Herero hence accumulated a lot of
grievances which resulted into uprising.
Causes of Nama and Herero Uprising
(i) The imposition of forced labour in 1896: Germans
wanted labourers to work in plantations and in the construction of
infrastructures such as roads, railways as well as public buildings. The
African communities, that is, Nama and Herero were not used to the manual
labour hence resisted to.
work. The German government used a lot of force to
obtain labourers Africans were forced to work in settler farms and mines. This
discontented the Africans, thus deciding to take up arms against Germans.
(ii) Another reason for Nama and Hereto uprising was
the cattle raiding that was done frequently by the German traders and settlers.
But cattle was the most treasured commodity among the Herero and Nama
communities, robbing of cattle threatened the economic interest of these
African commodities
(iii) Land alienation: This included grabbing much of
the best grazing land in the central plateau of Namibia. The German government
reserved the fertile land for settler settlement. The Nama and Herero depended
on this land for cultivation and pasture; they were thrown out of this fertile
land so as to give room for construction of railway and roads. This in turn
created hostility between African communities and Germans. .
(iv)Imposition of taxes: the Germans imposed taxes
that had to be paid by Africans. They began to demand taxes in 1896. In order
to make effective collection of taxes, Germans used force. But the African
communities like the Eastern Herero and mbanderu, resisted by taking up arms
against Germans.
(v) The destruction of traditional authority: after
they had established their contrlt over Namibia, Germans did not pay attention
to the region. For example, they imposed some policies without consulting the
traditional chiefs from African communities. On the other hand, the Germans did
not recognize the traditional rulers hence considered them as illiterate.
Having been discontented with this situation, the Nama and Herero decided to
resist against Germans so as to restore their traditional practice and their
independence. -
(vi) Harassment to the Herero indebted people by the
Germans following the credit ordinance of 1903 that all debts had to be
collected in one year time, after which the debt would be invalid. Initially,
the German trader entered into commercial relationship with Africans, the
Germans gained huge profits while Africans acquired a little profit. Many
Africans were in debited by the Germans traders and were forced to pay back the
debts. The Germans also lent some money to Africans at high interest rates,
they also sold commodities to Africans on credit terms, but in most cases
Africans failed to pay the money. The Germans urged the colonial government to
enact laws that would enforce the Africans to payback the money. The law was
enacted in 1903 and began to be implemented. Germans took the Africans
livestock and land with the aim of selling them to regain their money. This law
disappointed the African rulers and their subjects hence took up arms to
resists against Germans:
(vii) The outbreak of Rinder pest disease: It. killed
about ninety percent (90%) of Nama and Herero's cattle in 1903. This affected
their economy and many sold their idle land to German settlers to sustain their
life. But the rinder disease was interpreted by the religious leader's
punishment from God since the Nama and IIerero cooperated with the whites,
hence created bad luck in their communities, thus the people had to resist
against the Germans so as to get rid of these misfortunes.
(viii) The German control over the religious beliefs:
The Nama believed on their traditional religions and trusted their religious'
leaders like chief Witbooi. When their beliefs were threatened by the Germans,
Chief Witbooi organized and motivated his subjects to resist against the
Germans since he believed that his army would defeat the Germans. He also
promised these people several benefits after the resistance. The Nama-Herero
uprising went on until the end of 1905 when the Nama Chief, Witbooi, was
killed. Since then the Nama unity began to decline gradually. The
Namaleadership was succeeded by Morenga, but he was also killed. He was
succeeded by Chief Simon cooper who continued the resistance until 1907 though
the Germans reasserted their control. At the end of the uprising, the remaining
Nama and Herero independence was destroyed' by the Germans forces. They
confiscated their cattle. and deposed all their chiefs, the African
commuriities who survived were subordinated, forced to work in German farms and
mines. This created hatred between Germans and African communities up to the
period of the first word war.
The effects of the Nama Herero Uprising
After the uprising, the Nama and Herero lost their
cattle and land to Germans. They became very poor and lived in severe life that
could not enable to live in a conducive environment and good life
The African communities, such as the Hereto lost their
life, only 16, 000 Herero survived out of previous population of 80, 000.
Whereas only' 9800 Nama were alive in 1911, compared to 20, 000 people who
survived in 1892:
The chief township' in Namibia was officially
abolished by the German government.
There was an increasing number of Germans in Namibia.
For example, up to 1903 the number of Germans was aboutA, 640 but after the
war, the number increased up to 14, 840 in 1913.
Namibia became a German colony and the German
administration continued to be strong. For this reason, the Nama and Herero
uprising did not materialize and had Very minimal effect compared to that of
Majimaji in Tanganyika. .
After the uprising, the German government introduced
concentration camps where African women and children were grouped. In these
camps they lived in bad conditions hence many of them died of sun, famine and
very cruel condition of forced labour. The Nama-Herero uprising went on until
the end of 1905 when the Nama chief Witbooi was killed. Since then the Nama
unity began to decline gradually. The Nama leadership was succeeded by Morenga,
but he was also killed. He was succeeded by Chief Simon cooper, who continued
the resistance until 1907 though the German reasserted their control. At the end
of the uprising, the remaining Nama and Herero independence was destroyed by
the German forces. They confiscated their cattle and deposed all their chiefs.
African communities which survived were subordinated, forced to work in German
farms and mines. This created hatred between Germans and African communities up
to the period of the first World' War.
There four major causes of African reaction to the
colonial rule; These includes the following
Land alienation; whereby Africans arable fertile- land
was taken by the colonialists and
they became landless. The land was the major live hood
of African it was grabbed from
them and distributed to the white settlers and
colonial state plantations as to reduce the
African to mere suppliers of cheap labor to the
colonial plantations.
Imposition of taxation by the colonialists. From the
1898 head tax was levied on all adult
Africans in the colony of Tanganyika, at least 1 year
or its equivalent this amounted to at least a month’s wage on white-owned mine
or two months or more on the white- owned farm. Later alone other taxes like
hut tax, gun tax, Matiti tax, aimed at forcing Africans to provide cheap labor
to the colonialist plantations and social service, and to facilitate colonial
administration expenditure. Such heavy taxation led to mass uprising of the
African to oppose colonialism.
Cattle confiscation so as to break the backbone of
African economy and to be forced to integrate into capitalist economy. The
African societies who were pastoralists that depended much on the cattle for
their live hood, people like the Herero, Masai, Sukuma, their cattle were
Forced labor and forced cropping, Africans were forced
to produce cash crops and also forced to provide cheap labor, e.g. Kipande
system in Kenya. In places were production,
did not exist migrate -Labour was carried out, the
adult men ere to move in the areas of production were only substance wage was
provided, accommodation was provided for only one person, the work's family was
there for to remain at home in some far-off rural area and try to grow enough
food to feed themselves.
Provision of low wages of African who worked on
European farms mines and office the major aim was to-break the self-sufficiency
African rural economy. It was no longer enough for the family to feed, clothes,
and house itself. And on top of that cash was to be found to pay taxes
regardless of the family's income.
African local rulers were thrown from their administration
and lost control of their
people and independence in general where by the
colonialist establish the notorious colonial rule. Thus resistance to the
colonial rule.
Africans lost their control over their trade that they
controlled and benefited from. The
colonialists established the so called 'legitimate
trade' which isolated the African traders,
like Abushir and Bwana Heri who lost control of trade
at the coast, Jaja of Opobo, the
Mandika Sarnori all these resistance as to regain
their trade control.
Destruction of African agriculture, which led to the
problem-of hunger and famine. The
colonialists opened cash crop plantations hence
Corporal punishment like caning of the lazy Africans
Destruction of African culture and introduction of
western culture
Racism and segregation of Africans.
Intimidation and violence to the Africans.
Ø To
regain independence and their sovereignty this had been taken away by
Ø To
maintain peace and order in their society which they had experienced before the
coming of colonialists.
Ø To
pursue and maintain African freedom which prevailed before the coming of
Ø To
avoid humiliation and subjugation of by the foreigners.
Ø To
fight against land alienation and cattle confiscation.
Ø To
establish African trade this had been overthrown by slave trade and the so
called legitimate trade
Colonial Admiration.
Colonial administrative systems were the ways of
controlling and maintaining colonial power in
colonies after the establishment of colonialism.
Colonialists including Germany, French, British,
Portugal, Belgium etc; after colonizing African countries they introduced
different administrative systems in their colonies depended on the following:
1. The nature of the people in the colonies, such as
being cooperative, military, strong, weak etc.
2. Challenges encountered during acquiring colonies
i.e. by strong resistance, collaboration etc.
3. The character of colonial power.for example Germany
preferred direct rule while British preferred indirect rule and French
preferred assimilation policy.
1. To change the form or tradition of the African
system of administration.
2. To maintain or ensure effective occupation/ control
of the colony socially, politically and economically.
3. Maximization of profit through colonial
exploitation by setting up a system of administration which favored
4. To ensure peace and harmony in colonies after faced
reactions/ resistances during the establishment of colonial rule.
5. To prepare the suitable and conducive environment
for establishment of colonial economy.
6. To fulfill the agreement reached during the Berlin
conference of 1884-1885 on effective occupation of colonies.
Therefore; the reasons behind the establishment of
different colonial administrative system in Africa after colonialists managed
to defeat Africans, was due to many resistances colonialists faced while they
were trying to introduce colonial rule in Africa.
Also colonialists introduced different administrative
system due to:
1. Language problems.
2. Lack of enough manpower since they were few in
3. Colonialists needed a lot of fund to run their
Therefore different challenges which colonialists
faced during the time of establishing colonial rule led them to apply different
forms/types of administrative systems.
Direct rule was the form/ type of colonial administrative
system applied by the Germans where by Africans were ruled directly without
local ruler’s support. It was applied in Namibia, Tanganyika, Togo etc.
Indirect rule was the form of administrative system
applied by the British where by Africans were ruled indirectly through local ruler’s
support. It was applied in Uganda, Nigeria etc
This was the French administrative system applied in
her colonies which turned Africans to be like French citizens. African who were
assimilated [changed/turned] to be French men were called ASSIMILADORS.
Was the French administrative system which replaced
assimilation policy which did not aim at turning Africans into French citizens
instead it considered African culture.
All the above colonial systems were different from one
colonial power [colonialist] to another. For example, British preferred using
indirect rule in her colonies such as Nigeria, Ghana and Sierra Leon.
German used her direct rule in her colonies such as Tanganyika,
Congo, Namibia, Angola and Mozambique. French used assimilation policies in
Algeria and Senegal.
Indirect rule was a administrative system applied
[adopted] by the British where by African
traditional local rulers were allowed to participate
in colonial administration by implementing the colonial policies.
Indirect rule was British administrative system which
used local rulers/ chiefs to implement British colonial policies.
Within indirect rule African local rulers [chiefs]
were given chances or allowed to govern their fellow Africans through orders
and supervision from British colonial government.
British indirect rule adopted in many African
countries after being succeed to
implement in the Northern Nigeria in the 1900-1906 and
the whole Nigeria between 1912-1920 by British governor known as LORD LUGARD.
Therefore, indirect rule was first introduced by the
British Governor Lord Lugard in Nigeria in 1912-1920.
Ø Indirect
rule aimed at getting cheap labours.
Ø Indirect
rule forces British law and ordinances.
Ø Chiefs
who were appointed were required to implement British policies to their fellow
Ø Indirect
rule forced and collected taxes from people.
Ø Indirect
rule aimed at maintaining peace and harmony on behalf of the British
Therefore the chiefs who were appointed to implement
British government policies became a part of British colonial government hence
chiefs were favored and given the following things;
Chiefs were given good accommodation e.g.
Chiefs family include sons and daughters
were given good social services i.e. education.
Chiefs were given colonial protection.
Chiefs were paid salaries.
Chiefs were given gifts.
Communication problems.
British adopted indirect rule because they
had no good information links with the Africans than African local rulers such
as chiefs and kings.
To avoid resistance.
The British used indirect rule because
they wanted to avoid resistance since there was no direct contact between
Africans and British but Africans with their rulers. Lack of manpower.
British were few in number hence used
indirect rule because it was very difficult to rule large African population
without assistance.
The system was economically cheap.
The African chiefs were not directly paid
by the colonial governments. Also the African chiefs could not demand services
from the colonial government such as accommodation, transport and medical
The system reduced resistance from
Africans. Physical difficulties in Africa forced the British to use African
chiefs. Thick forests, hostile climate and remoteness of the area; the British
found difficult to penetrate the hinterland because of the named problems.
Language barrier. Some Africans could not
be organized through radio and other means of communication therefore the use
of African chiefs was efficient. The African chiefs would communicate with
their people using their people.
The system ensured the collection of tax
from the African communities as the chiefs lived with their people.
It was a suitable technique to govern
illiterate African.
Tropical diseases which killed many
British personals. e.g. Malaria
Indirect rule was first applied in Nigeria by the
British governor known as Sir Fredrick Lugard in 1900-1906.
Indirect rule in Nigeria was applied after British
encountered [faced] a lot of challenges from big tribes which had strong
traditional administrative systems like Fulani aristocracy who governed Sokoto
caliphate by using Islamic laws in Northern Nigeria.
Therefore, the British by using indirect rule which
was required as a role model in the British colonial administration. Local
native leaders in Nigeria continued to rule their traditional land, collect
taxes and implement orders and duties as assigned by the British. So British
succeeded to apply indirect rule in Northern Nigeria despite it was not
successful much in Southern Nigeria in Yomba tribe.
indirect rule Lord Lugard was able to control Nigeria by using their local
traditional rulling system and cooperative leaders who performed the following
Ø To
reduce resistance from the people.
Ø To
reduce the political, economic and military costs.
Ø To
rule their land under the British control.
Ø collection
OF taxes.
Ø implementation
of British laws and policies.
Ø Despite
the fact that indirect rule succeeded to rule Nigeria especially Northern
Nigeria, other areas in Nigeria like southern Nigeria was unsuccessful due to
poor and less cooperation from YORUBA land chiefs or kings who did not organize
and centralize Yoruba people since before.
the British found the following as the failure of indirect rule in Southern Nigeria;
Southern Nigerian societies had strong
traditional administrative system such as the use of chiefs for example Lagos
had no chiefdom system.
Chiefs /Local rulers of Southern Nigeria
were not given respect by the Yoruba people.
Local rulers were appointed to implement
the British polices but they failed i.e. collection of taxes.
Southern Nigeria was decentralized than
Northern Nigeria which was more centralized.
Therefore, indirect rule became very
difficult to be applied in Southern Nigeria by Lord Lugard during his six years
of administering Nigeria so as to transform it into commercial [economically]
as well as politically and to establish British protectorate by using its local
They used indirect rule to avoid
administrative costs.
British wanted to avoid communication
barriers, for example language problems and poor infrastructures.
British were few in number so indirect
rule solved the problem of manpower.
Some of the African societies were
centralized hence no need of the new colonial administrative system. For example,
sokoto caliphat, Bugando.
Some of the African communities were not
competent to control themselves with the British assistance hence used indirect
British wanted to spread their superiority
complex over Africans.
Lord Lugard preferred indirect rule
because it avoided resistance and conflicts from local rulers and people.
Indirect rule administrative system which was applied
by the British in her colonies was arranged in different structures to ensure
effective colonial control over colony and good administrative machinery which
will prepare conducive environment for establishment of colonial economy.
The structure of indirect rule was as follows;
Provincial commissioner was a British
lived in certain regions to represent the governor.
District commissioner was a British
[white] lived in district level representing provision commissioner; he lived
with people and gave them orders through local rulers.
Colonial secretary stayed in London [UK].
Local chiefs were local rulers appointed
by British who were given orders by colonial officers include provincial
commissioners and district commissioners to supervise in the daily activities
and local ordinances.
Governor appointed in UK and hired in
Head men. These were Africans who received
orders from local chiefs and implement them to the people [Africans] by using
force once people resisted.
Despite the British succeeded to rule Africans
indirectly through their local rulers, they met a number of challenges, since
British indirect rule introduced different policies and systems. in Africa
which was new and not existed in Africa before such as:
- Poor infrastructures. Absence of good
infrastructures such as roads, railways, and harbor phones made the
failure to access information.
Payment of taxes, forced labour, land
alienation, introduction of coercive apparatus such as police, army, court etc.
The following were problems/challenges
/difficulties Britain faced during implementing the use of indirect rule;
Illiteracy of the masses. Some of the
societies in Nigeria such as the Yoruba and the Abeokuta who became independent
in 1893; due to their illiterate they organized people to oppose indirect rule.
Harsh British policies. Some of the
indirect rule British policies such as forced labour and taxation which was
introduced to the people were new and unpopular hence reacted by the people of
Nigeria especially Igbo.
Absence of centralized administration in
North Eastern Nigerian societies, such as Igbo and Yoruba were not well
centralized like the Sokoto caliphate or Buganda kingdom hence made the
application of indirect rule to be very difficult due to lack of cooperation
and local rulers’ support.
Opposition / resistance from the local
rulers. Some of the local rulers did not support British indirect rule for
example rulers from Yomba and Abeokuta.
Tanganyika formerly was a German colony from 1886
after Berlin conference. After the end of the first world war of 1914-1918
Germany lost Tanganyika colony to British who took the victory of the war.
During German rule in Tanganyika they used direct rule
system thus faced a lot of resistances from Tanganyika societies such as Hehe
resistance, Yao and Chagga resistance.
Therefore, after the British took control over the Tanganyika
colony; they decided to change the former German direct rule which used Jumbes
and Akidas and introduced indirect rule.
The first British governor in Tanganyika who was known
as Sir Donald Cameroon initiated and introduced indirect rule in Tanganyika.
Sir Donald Cameroon decided to introduce indirect rule in Tanganyika due to the
influence and motivation from governor Lord Fredrick Lugard who succeeded to
control Nigeria through indirect rule so sir Donald Cameroon wanted to copy
that system of indirect rule and apply it in Tanganyika hence he met the
following challenges:
Absence of traditional administrative system. Germany
removed all local rulers’ administration during their rule in Tanganyika, so it
was difficult for Sir Donald Cameroon to introduce them again.
Illiteracy and ignorance of the masses over indirect
rule. Tanganyika was controlled and ruled by the German power for a very long
time directly so indirect rule was a new system which was not known.
Poor organization of permanent chiefs. Few tribes in
Tanganyika recognized their chiefs and they had status and power, less
executive, financially and judiciary for example the Chagga.
Poor infrastructure. Indirect rule got a lot of
challenges in Tanganyika since the country was big while there was poor network
and communication links to reach and coordinate local chiefs.
Absence of local authorities in Tanganyika societies
such as; coastal tribes which had no traditional local authorities since Arabs’
domination which introduced Islamic law. Due to this Sir Donald Cameroon get no
support of local rulers in his administration.
Despite the fact that Sir Donald Cameroon met a lot of
challenges /problems in the introduction of indirect rule in Tanganyika as we
have seen above, he preferred and forced to introduce indirect rule through;
The native authority ordinance of 1926 and the coast
ordinance of 1919.
These two laws [ordinances] aimed at creating a solid
foundation for the indirect rule administration and local authorities.
Through these two laws [ordinance] local chiefs were
required and given the following tasks and duties;
Tax collection such as hut tax and poll tax.
Chiefs were responsible for enforcing British laws and
Chiefs were given judiciary power to enforce their
decisions according to customary laws.
Chiefs were responsible to implement British policies,
law, ordinances and orders to their people.
Exploitation of African resources: - Indirect rule was
introduced by the British for the purpose of exploiting African resources
easily through local rulers support such as land, labours and minerals.
Indirect rule promoted [boosted] tribalism. Indirect
rule separated African societies in ethnic/tribal identities since it favored
some tribes including those whose local rulers were given different
opportunities than the other tribes.
Indirect rule weakened the traditional administration
Indirect rule system promoted the problem of
education, health and employment opportunities.
Indirect rule system introduced and widened social
differences among natives.(creation of classes in the society)
The system commented and centralized bureaucracy
through the use of district commissioners.
The greatest fault in indirect rule was that it
completely excluded from the local government the African educated elites whose
number increased over the year.
It made Africans hate their local rulers [leaders] who
were used during indirect rule and made Africans not to believe in them.
It was a form of colonial administrative system which
ruled Africans directly by replacing African traditional, political and
administrative organizations.
Direct rule was mainly adopted by Germany in colonies
such as Tanganyika, Namibia, Cameroon and Togo; also Portuguese applied direct
rule in her colonies.
Why British used direct rule in some of her colonies
instead of indirect rule.
Presence of many whites such as in Zimbabwe.
Plenty of resources available in the colonies.
The nature of African colony. British decided to use
direct rule when Africans were ignorant, reluctant and not supportive of
indirect rule.
Good communication and infrastructures such as roads,
railways and harbors led the British to use direct rule.
Absence of strong centralized states.
Absence of resistances.
Absence of tropical diseases made the British not seek
for local rulers’ support.
Zimbabwe after being colonized by British in 1890’s
under the company known as British South African Company (BSACO) led by
prominent imperialist named Cecil Rhodes who ruled directly and called Zimbabwe
as southern Rhodesia due to his effort and financial resources used to occupy
shone territories.
Therefore after Zimbabwe had been colonized by British
and named as southern Rhodesia many Europeans came to live in Zimbabwe because
it was a huge country having a lot of resources such as fertile land and
minerals due to this British ruled Zimbabwe by using direct rule.
Presence of many white settlers in
Zimbabwe. Cecil Rhodes influenced many white settlers to invest in Zimbabwe so
there was no manpower problem hence direct rule.
Absence of a centralized state. Zimbabwe
had no strong centralized state since imposition of colonial rule disturbed the
system hence direct rule.
The effect of the Chimurenga war [Shona
and Ndebele]. Chimurenga war left enemity between Zimbabwe people and the
Europeans hence difficult to involve Africans in their administration.
Absence of local chiefs/ local rulers of
Zimbabwe such as Indunas were no longer existed during the resistance between
British and Shona and Ndebele.
People of Zimbabwe did not want to be
colonized by the British.
The richness of resources in Zimbabwe.
Zimbabwe was a rich colony having fertile land, minerals etc. made British to
wish to rule it directly so as to exploit resources efficiently.
Poor support from Zimbabwe local chiefs
/rulers. Local chiefs were not happy with British since their position and
status eroded during British colonial rule that is why they did not want to
support them in administration hence British used direct rule.
Zimbabwe was proclaimed as a crown colony. Direct rule
in Zimbabwe made Zimbabwe as British settlers’ part and parcel of their mother
land country [Britain].
It based on emergence of law and order. Direct rule
led to increase of many laws and orders in Zimbabwe.
Direct rule led Zimbabwe to be under
control of British South African Company [BSACO] in 1890 to 1923.
Direct rule in Zimbabwe made educated people
neglected. Direct rule in Zimbabwe made the educated people neglected not to be
involved in the British government as a result of the armed struggle during
fighting for independence and freedom.
It based on excessive oppression and
suppression. Africans were highly oppressed and suppressed by British settlers
through direct rule using coercive apparatus such as police and soldiers.
Direct rule gave settlers in Zimbabwe
legislative and political rights. British settlers in Zimbabwe were highly
empowered politically, economically and favored by laws; for example, in 1923 settlers attained their self-government.
Direct rule alienated Zimbabwe fertile
land. Through direct rule the British settlers acquired massive fertile land
left the Zimbabwean's people landless hence provide labour in the settler’s
land and farms.
The British direct rule in Zimbabwe
brought a lot of negative impact to the people of Zimbabwe such as; oppression,
exploitation, land alienation, forced labour, taxation etc. as a result people
of Zimbabwe took arms [armed struggle] during fighting for independence in
Direct rule was form of colonial administrative system
which did not involve African rulers support i.e. Germany.
Germany preferred much to use direct rule in most of
her colonies in Africa such as; Tanganyika, Namibia, Cameroon, Togo etc. direct
rule were also applied by the Belgium, Portugal etc. in their colonies.
It was not simple to control because
German ruled Africans directly.
It faced communication problems because of
language barriers.
Local chiefs were not given chances in
colonial administrations.
It was very expensive since it needed lots
of costs.
It faced many resistances from Africa.
It faced problems of manpower since
Germans were few in number.
Both aimed at colonizing /control
Both faced resistance or opposition from
Both were based on exploitation of African
Both based on oppression of Africans
through the use of force i.e. police, army and court.
Both based on racial segregation since
African colour was regarded as inferior over white colour.
Both were capitalist systems.
Both failed to meet their demands.
Direct rule was used by the Germans while
indirect rule was used by the British.
Direct rule did not use local chiefs while
indirect rule used local chiefs.
Indirect rule did not face many
resistances from Africans while direct rule faced many resistances.
Indirect rule was easy to manage while
direct rule was difficult to manage because of language problems.
Indirect rule needed small Europeans’
manpower while direct rule needed large manpower.
Indirect rule was cheap but direct rule
was expensive.
Indirect rule created puppet class among
Africans who cooperated with the British and support
French in her colonies such Cape Verde, Ivory Coast
[cote devoir] Senegal, Saint Louis and Risqué applied two administrative
systems such as Assimilation policy and Association.
Assimilation policy
Was an administrative system applied by French in her
colonies, which aimed at turning or transforming Africans into Frenchmen or
citizens. A person who assimilated was called Assimilador.Assimiladors was
taught how to behave or think like French people. Assimilation is a term
derived from the French word assimiler means cause to resemble.
French introduced assimilation policy to her colonies
so as to spread her culture of superiority all over the world. Therefore, the
introduction or application of assimilation policy in French colonies goes to
them with the introduction of French language, institutions, laws, religion and
customs. Colonies or persons to follow assimilation policy [assimiladors] were
supposed to follow the French culture hence enjoy right just like French
To facilitate French exploitation.
Assimilation aimed at exploiting Africans smoothly by creating false
consciousness to those who assimilated [assimiladors] to work for the benefits
of the French.
Cheap economically since assimilators work
and behave just like French and became passive.
French revolution of 1789. French applied
assimilation policy in her colonies since they said that; the French revolution
which occurred in 1789 advocated for the equality, fraternity and freedom to
all regardless of Vaile or color.
Assimilation policy applied by the French
to spread their superiority all over the world. Since the Africans assimilated
would continue to spread French superiority.
To spread French culture and civilization.
French applied assimilation policy since they wanted to spread their culture
through language and customs.
Assimilation applied to turn African to
behave like French citizen.
There were to be commune representatives in the French
national assembly. The laws applicable in France were well applied in the
The French Africans were considered as a great
obstacle for colonial rule.
The French administrative structure was more
oppressive than that of the British.
Africans were allowed to register as French citizens
and they could seek elections as deputies in Paris.
The French administrators were given more judicial
powers in the provinces.
The French decided not to use African traditional
institutions in their administration.
Both weakened African traditions and
Islamic religion in West Africa by introducing Christianity i.e. Roman Catholic.
Both destroyed African traditional
authorities and leaders since assimilated Africans replaced many to the
traditional leaders.
Both undermined African culture; African
culture were regarded as inferior towards French culture which regarded as
regarded as superior and civilized for e.g. French language.
Assimilation policy weakened Africans
traditions such as Islamic religion in west Africa by introducing Christianity
for example Roman Catholic church.
Colony was incorporated into the French
republic and regarded as an oversea province of France speaking people in West
African still have close relationship with the French people than their fellow
African countries.
Assimilation policy integrated /allowed
Africans to participate in French political matters in French, Paris.
Assimilation policy allowed African to participate in France parliament for
example Blaise Diagne was elected as deputy in the French parliament.
Colonial Economy
Colonial economy was the economic undertaking which
were operated by the colonialist or was the king of the economy introduced by
the colonialists in their colonies. These included agriculture, mining,
communication and transportation of commerce and trade. The colonialists
introduced these kinds of economies in Oder to fulfill their economic demands
such as raw materials, cheap labor, areas for investments and areas for
It was export-import oriented colonial economy
specialized in production of raw materials for the metropolitan industries and
importation of manufactured goods in the colonies.
It was based on the exploitation of African resources
such as man power minerals and so on.
It was based on monoculture system of production.
They specialized in the production of major
commodities such as Mauritius - sugarcane and Ghana - cocoa.
It involved the building of physical infrastructure
such as roads, harbours and railways for easy transportation of raw materials.
It was characterized by Domination of European.
African role of middlemen was suppressed instead of that European established
their trade companies.
Colonial production was based on coercion.
The colonialists used Africa as a dump place for their
manufactured commodities such as clothes, wine, sweets and beards. Introduction
of money economy. Establishment of processing industries such as cashewnut
pupling industries.
Colonial economies were shaped by the interests of the
metropolitan economy, therefore, they responded to the demands of the colonial
Objectives of the Colonial economy were:
Colonies were expected to import
manufactured goods like clothes, shoes, blankets and utensils from Europe.
The Colonized people were expected to
provide cheap labour for the benefit of colonial masters.
Colonies were expected to provide raw
materials, both agricultural products and minerals, to the factories of the
European countries. Examples of the agricultural raw materials includes cotton,
coffee, sisal, pyre thrum, tea, cocoa and palm oil.
Colonies were also expected to be self-
supporting. This means that the colonized people were expected to raise
revenues that cool support administrative costs of colony.
Finally, in order to insure that
exploitation of colonial resources was done efficiently, law and order was to
be maintained. This in turn would facilitate the exploitation of resources for
the benefit of colonial master.
These were three methods used to establish economy
which were:
Under preservation the colonial economy preserved the followings:
Labour unit. eg The use of family labour
Tradition system of production e.g shifting
cultivation mixed farming and inter cropping. This was done mainly in the
peasant economy.
The colonialists introduced the new elements in the
pre-African economy things which were introduced were:
Introduction of money. e.g Indian currency like Rupees
during Germany rule.
Introduction of kipande system. forced people to walk
with identification card
Introduction of cash crops.
migrant labour- Migrant labours were the labours comes
from the distant areas where the labour reservations were established.
Local handcraft industries were destructed.
importing ready manufactured goods to Africa.
Banning of local industries.
The colonialists instilled retaining some elements of
pre-colonial economy to support production of raw materials which were needed
by European example of things which preserved were
Traditional tools in peasant agriculture and families
remained as the basic unit of production and pre-colonial relation production
feudal societies were reserved.
Presence of resistance from the masses. In some areas
in Africa which were centralized were strongly resisted new colonial economies
systems e.g. disagree to pay taxes, land alienation etc.
Ignorance and absence of reactions of people.
Colonialists preserved some traditional African economic systems because in
some areas Africans were ignorant with a new economic system and were not ready
to apply them.
Reluctant/ conservativeness of the people. Some areas
Africans were not ready for the changes hence colonialists preserved their
traditional economic systems.
Absence of enough land. In some areas land alienation
was impossible hence colonialists left the Africans to maintain their
traditional economic systems under colonialist supervision.
Good traditional labour system. Some of the African
societies had good traditional labour system that is family which ensures
constant supply of labour and production which prevent colonialist to apply new
economic systems.
Awareness of cash crops production. In some areas In
Africa including Buganda they had knowledge of practices cash crops even before
colonial rule hence colonialists preserved them.
There are [5] five main factors of colonial economy
introduced in Africa;
i. Agricultural sector
Settler economy
ii. Mining economy sector. It deals with the
exploitation of minerals.
iii.Transport and communication
iv. Trade
peasant economy/agriculture e.g. in Uganda
settler’s agriculture in Kenya and
plantation agriculture
peasant agriculture
These are small scale agriculture productions where by
a farmer produces both food crops and cash crops.
Colonialists introduced peasant agriculture during
colonial rule for the following aims/reasons;
Earning cash by selling cash crops.
Production and producing food crops for their survival
during colonial rule.
To ensure that peasants [small scale farmers] are
producing for capitalists.
Introduction of peasant, cash crop farming
in Africa was difficult because of the following reasons:
Poor technology. Most of the peasants were
using poor technology in the farming i.e. hand hoes, axes, Blunt knife
African traditional was only producing
food crops for direct consumption.
Ignorance. Many Africans were ignorant
[not aware] on cash crop production.
Readiness of the people. Many people were
not ready to produce cash crops..
Due to the above difficulties colonialists do/ applied
the following things in order to introduce peasant cash crops production;
persuasion. Missionaries persuade Africans who converted to
Christianity to grow cash crops.
use of force. Those Africans who rejected to grow cash
crops were forced to grow cash crops through;
from the colonialist, chiefs and African head men received
orders from colonialists to force their fellow Africans to grow cash crops.
seeds distribution and cash crops planting supervision.
of large farms in villages which grow cash crops where by people were forced to
work there.
Restructuring of colonies.
Encouraged the use of poor (crude) technologies in
production i.e. the use of hand hoes,
Blunt knife ,axes etc.
Family was the unit of production. Peasant economy was
characterized by the members of the family to be sources of labour in
Peasant based on a small unit of land. Peasant was
characterized by practice of agriculture on a small piece of land which was
Peasant based on inter-cropping. Peasant practiced
more than one type of crop in a single area for food and cash crops.
Peasant used poor technology. The use of poor
technology in production such as hand hoes, axes and pangas were much applied
in the peasant economy.
Peasant used on a dense population made it hard for
land alienation to be practiced, if land alienation was used, many people would
be affected and there would be chaos in the area.
The colonial government was afraid of the centralized
kingdoms that proved to be tough against the establishment of settlers’
Some areas were tough and unfit for white settlement
i.e. Uganda equatorial region had high temperatures that discouraged white
Certain crops i.e. [cotton and coffee in Uganda]
needed great care and could not be mixed easily with other systems of
Centralized and strong kingdoms in Uganda proved
efficiency and capability to organize and supervise agricultural activities in
their areas. These traditional chiefs were paid lowly for supervising that
Taxation was imposed on the people so that they could
cultivated cash crops.
This involved production by foreigners. These foreigner’s
usual presented the interests of the metropolis (i.e. their main interest were
mining and agriculture in the colonized countries).
The promotion of agricultural production was to go
hand in hand with settlements in Africa, especially in those areas that were
Settlers settled in big numbers in central Africa
(Malaysia Zambia, Zimbabwe), South Africa, parts of French equatorial Africa,
French West Africa, and in East Africa (Kenya).
alienation with differently issue land ordinaries, in 1900 the
land occupation ordinance was enacted in Zambia.
The ordinance required that Europeans who
had been allocated land must occupy and use that land or otherwise they would
pay taxes for leaving such land redundant.
In Kenya in 1597, the land regulation
office set a si.. vacant land for European settlements, in 1902, the native
Land ordinance allowed the commissioner to sell or give crown land to the
Europeans, and in 19.. large scale land alienation in Kikuyu began.
labour: The French, German land Portuguese follow a similar
policy of forced labour and unpaid labour.
Forced labour was required to reduce
costs that were necessary in public services. In Zimbabwe in 1897, the Nature Regulation
Act was passed, forcing African chiefs to produced labourers at law coast.
the hut tax was introduced in Malawi in early 1890 in Zimbabwe in 1898, and in
Zambia in 1900. In Kenya the Hut Tax was introduced in 1980, and poll tax in
The intention of the tax was to cover
administrative expansion ways by which Africans would be forced to work in
European farms in order to raise money to pay their taxes.
Migrant labourers were transported from
faraway places to work in settler plantations.
The development of infrastructures to
serve the settlers.
The following are the reasons for why settler
dominated in Kenya than in Uganda;
Africans were prohibited to grow cash crops.
This also made British settlers to attracted in Kenya as there were competition
from Africans.
ii. Construction
of Buganda railway which facilitated the transportation of raw materials from
interior to Mombasa.
iii. Climatic
condition. Climatic condition in Kenya made Europeans to be attracted
especially in Kenya highlands. also this areas was very fertile.
iv. Kenya
was made a 'crown land' means for Europeans settlements as results Africans
were no right to own land.
v. Low
population in Kikuyu highland, this made land alienation possible hence no
strong resistance.
vi. Settlers
were favoured in Kenya. This is because settlers came in colonies under the
influence of colonial state so the colonial state did everything to favour them
hence settlers had critical influence on colonial government.
This commodity production entailed massive
exploitation of land and intensive exploitation of African labour. The owners
of the plantations were usually capitalists In Europe employing managers to
supervise production i.e. sisal and coffee Estates in Tanganyika.
Due to change of colonial masters. In the beginning
Tanganyika was under Germany but after the 1 st world war Tanganyika became
under the British.
Ø he
interests of the British colonial governors in Tanganyika. For example, sir
Byatt 1919-1924 from Somali and Donald Cameroon from Nigeria; these were
committed to peasant or plantation agriculture rather than settler economy.
Ø Tanganyika
had a large area where settler agriculture was not suitable to manage it but;
they settled only on highlands around Kilimanjaro, Usambara and South Western
highlands of Iringa and Tukuyu.
Ø There
was no settler policy in Tanganyika as in Kenya policy was committed to African
Ø There
was no good and efficient transport and communication; it was not very much
provided in this particular sphere of influence.
Mining was another area of colonial economic activity;
among of their demands was obtaining minerals in Africans such as Gold.
Examples of areas where mining economy was taking
place were;
South Africa.
Kimberly -diamond discovered in 1867.
Wit water- gold discovered in 1886.
East Africa.
Mwadui [Tanganyika] -diamond
Geita and Musoma - gold
Central Africa.
Southern Rhodesia - gold and coal
Belgium, Congo - copper, tin, zinc and lead
Zambia - copper and lead
Ghana gold mines
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