OUR ENVIRONMENTS                                                                   
      What is environment?
      Environments:  the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates, the natural world, as a whole. Generally, refers to all things surrounding us other examples includes. Water sources such as lakes, Rivers, Natural forces such as Earth quake and Volcanic actions such as in Kilimanjaro mountains Arusha, And Mount Meru in Tanzania.
     Are environments important to our life?
     Actually Yes environments are important in our life because of the following reasons.
ü  Economic Importance: That is presence of beautiful and natural gifted environments, boost tourism, provide catch for fishing, shrimping, oystering industries, decrease health care costs, provide environment for ecotourism industry. Example in Tanzania, Animal reserves such as Ngorongoro, Mikumi and Katavi also the highest mountain of Kilimanjaro.
ü    Social : Use of surface waters for recreation, decrease prevalence of water-borne diseases, increase quality of life, increase quality of water entering aquifers. Also support life of organisma such as human being through engaging in irrigation agricultural practices, then cash crops and food or domestic use crops.
ü  Supports life: Plants and other wild animals depend from our environments in order to survive. Such as because of fertile soils more plants grow and wild and domestic animals eat them ,Hence if there is no rainfaill they wont survive.
ü  Example consider the picture below:

Environmental destruction
The sum total of all surroundings of a living organism, including natural forces and other living things, which provide conditions for development and growth as well as of danger and damage.  This include biotic and abiotic soroundings of an organism or population and consequently includes the factors that have an influence in their survival,development and evolution.Examples include the marine environment,the atmospheric environment and the terrestrial environment.
Environmental destruction is the deterioration of the environment through depletion of resources such as air, water and soil; the destruction of ecosystems; habitat destruction; the extinction of wildlife; and pollution. It is defined as any change or disturbance to the environment perceived to be deleterious or undesirable..
Environmental destruction is one of the ten threats officially cautioned by the High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change of the United Nations. The United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction defines environmental degradation as "the reduction of the capacity of the environment to meet social and ecological objectives, and needs". Environmental degradation is of many types. When natural habitats are destroyed or natural resources are depleted, the environment is degraded. Efforts to counteract this problem include environmental protection and environmental resources management’. Example. Merelan Arusha is good example where there is huge holes resulted by mining activities contacted.
Example of picture of environmental destructions.

Figure .01.
 Causes of Environmental destruction
ü  Overpopulation and Over-exploitation of Resources, Because increase in human population: there is a lot of pressure on the utilization of natural resources. This often causes over-exploitation of the natural resources, and contributes to environmental erosion. According to a study by the UNEP Global Environment Outlook, excessive human consumption of the naturally occurring non-renewable resources can outstrip available resources in the near future and remarkably destroys the environment during extraction and utilization. Overpopulation means more pollution and fast extraction of natural resources compared to how they are being replaced.
ü   Agricultural Practices
Intensive agricultural practices have led to the decline in quality of most of our natural environments. Majority of farmers resort to converting forests and grasslands to croplands which reduces the quality of natural forests and vegetation cover. The pressure to convert lands into resource areas for producing priced foods, crops, and livestock rearing has increasingly led to the depreciation of natural environments such as forests, wildlife and fertile lands.
ü  Intensive agricultural practices destroy fertile lands and nearby vegetation cover due to the accumulation of toxic substances like bad minerals and heavy metals which destroy the soil’s biological and chemical activities. Runoffs of agricultural wastes and chemical fertilizers and pesticides into marine and freshwater environments have also deteriorated the quality of wild life habitats, natural water resources, wetlands and aquatic life.
ü  Landfills
One of the calamitous effects of landfills is the destruction of nearby environmental health together with its ecosystems. The landfills discharge various kinds of chemicals on the land adjacent to forest, various natural habitats, and water systems such as underground and surface water which makes the environment unappealing to the survival of trees, vegetations, animal and humans.
It even interferes with the animals interactive food chains because the chemicals contaminate plants, and waters which are consumed by the animals. Besides the foul smell from the landfills and periodic burning of the wastes make living in such environments unbearable.
ü  Increase in Deforestation
The act of deforestation (cutting down of trees) has impacted on the world in terms of depreciating the natural environment and wildlife. It has also impacted on humans on the account of changes in environmental support processes such as weather conditions. Some of the reasons for deforestation include farming, construction, settlement, mining, or other economic purposes. For more than one hundrend years, the number of trees on the planet has plummeted, resulting in devastating consequences such as biodiversity loss, soil erosion, species extinction, global warming, and interference with the water cycle.
ü  Environmental Pollution
Most of the planet’s natural environments have been destroyed and a large portion is under huge threat due to the toxic substances and chemicals emitted from fossil fuel combustions, industrial wastes, and homemade utilities among other industry processed materials such as plastics. Land, air, and water pollution pose long-term cumulative impacts on the quality of the natural environments in which they occur.
ü  Seriously polluted environments have become insignificant in value because pollution makes it harsh for the sustainably of biotic and abiotic components. Pollution impacts the chemical compositions of lands, soil, ocean water, underground water and rocks, and other natural processes. Air pollution from automobiles and industries that results in the formation of acid rain which in turn brings about acidic lake is a good example of how the environment is degraded by pollution.
ü  Improper Land use Planning and Development
The unplanned conversion of lands into urban settings, mining areas, housing development projects, office spaces, shopping malls, industrial sites, parking areas, road networks, and so on leads to environmental pollution and degradation of natural habitats and ecosystems. Mining and oil exploration, for instance, renders land unusable for habitation and causes other forms of environmental degradation by releasing toxic materials into the environment. Improper land use has led to the loss and destruction of millions of acre of natural environments across the globe.
ü  Natural Causes :Despite the fact that environmental degradation is under normal circumstances associated with anthropogenic activities, natural causes are also contributors. Natural events such as wildfires, hurricanes, landslides, tsunamis and earthquakes can totally lower the survival grade of local animal communities and plant life in a region. These disasters can also destroy alter the nature of the landscape rendering it unable to support life forms on it. Besides, occurrences such as hurricanes and flooding can wash or force the migration of invasive species into foreign environments which can lead to its eventual degradation.
           Example. see the figure of environmental degradation.

 Figure:02. of volcanic erruption.
Effects of Environmental destruction
ü  Impact on Human Health
Human health is heavily impacted by environmental degradation. Reduction in water quality is responsible for more than two million deaths and billions of illness annually across the globe. Due to environmental degradation, the results include water scarcity and decline in quality foods. Reduction in air quality is responsible for more than 300,000 deaths annually and millions of chronic diseases.
ü  Landfills increase the risk of hazardous materials getting into the food chain which causes biomagnification and the ultimate risk of developing chronic diseases. Altogether, the toxic wastes and harmful chemicals from factories, agriculture and automobiles cause illnesses and death in children and adults.
ü  Poverty
In the majority of developing countries, poverty is attributed to poor crop harvests and lack of quality natural resources that are needed to satisfy basic survival needs. The inadequacy basic survival resources and lack of quality of food is the direct result of environmental degradation in the regions. Most vulnerability situations brought about by water shortages, climate change, and poor crop yields in developing countries are tied to environmental degradation. Hence, the lack of access to adequate basic needs such as water and food directly induce poverty.
ü  Atmospheric Changes
Environmental degradation can alters some of the natural process such as the water cycle and the normal processes of animal and plant activities. Also, environmental degradation aspects such as deforestation and mining destroy the natural land cover. This, together with air, water, and land pollution pose several atmospheric alteration threats. The alterations include global warming and climate change which can increase the risks of climatic natural disasters, and ozone layer depletion which increases the risk of skin cancer, eye disease, and crop failure.
ü  Loss of Biodiversity
Degradation of the environment has recorded a continued destruction of wild forests and the damage of natural ecosystems that has greatly contributed to the mass extinction of species. The number of threatened species persists to multiply worldwide whereas some have completely gone extinct. This is because of the human activities such as acidifying water systems, over-exploitation of natural resources, overpopulation, and the deliberate and indirect destruction of natural systems necessary for the survival of different species. These anthropogenic activities simply alter the natural process combined, thus, destroying the natural ecosystems supporting biodiversity.
ü  Scarcity of Natural Resources
Environmental degradation through aspects such as over-exploitation of natural resources, pollution, and deforestation can contributes to the scarcity of resources particularly arable land, water, genetic resources, medicinal plants, and food crops.
Envionmental Preservation
 Environmental Preservation: Refers to the process of Protecting environments for future or currently use. Example. Introducing laws and polices of supporting environmental protection.  Environmental preservation is necessary because Earth's resources are limited and threatened by human activity.Environmental protection focuses on efficiency, protecting wildlife and flora, and minimizing carbon footprints.
Importance of environmental preservation
To protect/save our lives.
The environment supports the life of each and every living thing on earth. We rely on the environment for life. When it is protected we are assured of better health. Food, quality air and so much more. As the late professor Wangari Mathai said and I quote, “if we destroy the environment, the environment will destroy us.” This is so true because it is the environment that sustains our life.
The environment has suffered due to the scientific inventions.
A lot has been discovered over the years. Many of these inventions tend to be harmful to the environment, though it is a way of the human race trying to make their life better. Factories have been built in so many places around the world. The emission of harmful gases into the air is on the increase. The dredging of oil in the sea is also another case. Trees are being cut down to create space for more land. With all this going on, the environment remains at or mercy for protection.
Discharge of carbon gases.
The first thing everyone with a good amount of money is thinking about is how to get a car. The purchase of cars has grown over the years. The worst part is that there are not many cars that are environment friendly. Most of them use fuel which when burnt, releases carbon into the air. Factories are also playing a role in this. Carbon gases are not in any way friendly to the environment and this is why we need to protect it.
Use of low grade plastics.
The chemicals that go into making plastics is highly toxic and it poses serious threats to the environment. Burning of plastics during their production and even after use releases toxic fumes into the air. The toxins can also leak into the soil and ground water causing contamination. This makes it difficult to grow plants and even pose a challenge to hormones in many living things.
Biodiversity is important.
For the environment to be a better place to live, biodiversity has to be a part of it. In science it is said that during the day, plants use carbon dioxide, while humans breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. This is a form of exchange plan. Plants help to reduce carbon dioxide in the air, which in turn benefits humans. Each living has a role to play in the environment. It makes the world a better place to live in.
It is our moral obligation.
We owe our existence to the environment. It is our role to ensure that the environment supports us and other living species in a comfortable way. The only way we can pay it back is by protecting it in all ways possible.
Environmental hazards are dangerous.
When we look at our water bodies, they have become dumping grounds for dangerous chemicals. Most factories throw their waste into the lakes and oceans. These chemicals end up in the food web such as mercury in fish. These foods end up on our plates and the end result could be serious diseases. The air we breathe in and what our skin comes into contact with is crucial. When we have harmful gases in the air it is a threat to life.

Prepared by: A. Chelesi
Viewed by: Sir. Mlugu
Approved by: Masomo Yetutz Stationary
           visit: www.masomoyetu.co.tz

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